News Anchor Brian Williams ........well, he's a liar

The Story speaks for its self.

I think I would know if I actually got shot down in a Helicopter by an RPG.

So what to do with him now.

I say he will just skate right by, just like another prominent Liberal/Progresive is never called out for her false claim of being under enemy fire while running on a airport Tarmac.

Trust me Brian, for us that have actually been blown all to shit in a combat zone, you know the difference in being in real danger, and coming on the scene an hour later.

Fukin' lying sack of shit.
Budman's Avatar
It's no big deal. Hell, Hillary got away with lying about ducking sniper fire. The libs with just say he misspoke.
He also floated a very similar story when he was covering Katrina...
Was he lying also when he was honoring the Sgt? Just asking.
Was he lying also when he was honoring the Sgt? Just asking. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That is not the story. The story is whether Brian Williams lied about be in harms way.

That is not the story. The story is whether Brian Williams REPEATEDLY lied about be in harms way. Originally Posted by Jackie S
lying? self aggrandizement? mainstream news media? surprised?
That is not the story. The story is whether Brian Williams lied about be in harms way. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I saw the original story and the retraction. Just wondered why if he was on a following aircraft why it landed also. Was it to keep all personnel together. If so then the rest of the story honoring the Sgt and crew was OK. He did lie about being in the aircraft hit.
Was he lying also when he was honoring the Sgt? Just asking. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
if you listen to what he said and how he said it in "honoring" the sergeant major, brian was the center of the story
Even his apology is a lie....................

Williams' aircraft wasn't "following" the attacked helicopter; unless you considering flying one hour later, after the attack, to be "following."
"It did not take long to hear from some brave men and women in the air crews who were also in that desert," he said. "I want to apologize. I said I was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by [rocket-propelled grenade] fire. I was instead in a following aircraft."
Misleading much??????
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pot meet kettle.
if you listen to what he said and how he said it in "honoring" the sergeant major, brian was the center of the story Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I watched it live the people standing and clapping were not doing it for Williams.
I watched it live the people standing and clapping were not doing it for Williams. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
not disputing that, who the people were honoring, its how Williams vainly insinuated himself into the narrative even at an event to honor someone else

even though he had lied repeatedly previously, still couldn't resist being the hero at someone else's honoring
Williams has been mocked mercilessly on Twitter.

A couple of these are pretty funny:
[QUOTE=CaptainMidnight;10563486 81]Williams has been mocked mercilessly on Twitter.[quote]

"One of the most trusted men in News" yeh......

Check out the Letterman clip....

Here is another thought. How many other members of his news crew KNEW he lied about the whole thing, but chose to look the other way.

By the way. He makes about $10,000,000 a year, being "one of the most trusted men in News".