Something Strange

greyghost48's Avatar
While traveling thru Houston I was browsing the ads today and came across those for Clarissa Belle and Elle O'Neil. Both profiles say they are white and their profile pics seem to support that.

HOWEVER, On two separate reviews, Jettech01's review of Clarissa and Josmith12328's review of Elle the same picture of an attractive black woman in a car is attached.

Just wondering if something isn't phishy here.
That could be a mis-assignment of the reviews. Similar names can cause that it to be assigned to the wrong girls. Send the links to, and we can check it out
greyghost48's Avatar
It's very interesting all of those pictures have all disappeared. And the picture was the last one in each review. It was also attached to each of the several replies to each girls review. As I recall I think it was even attached to my thread to the staff, but now all have disappeared.