Favorite cheesy movies

There are two that I love beyond all reason. Campy, ridiculous, but so much fun!

The Bee Gees' Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band movie:

Yes, it's likely to be considered an abomination if you love the original Beatles album. But...Peter Frampton! Aerosmith! Earth Wind and Fire! Billy Preston! Steve Martin! Alice Cooper! Just an all around fun movie, at least for me. It was not well received and the critics savaged it upon its release, but I still watch it from time to time.

I also love the movie version of The Who's "Tommy". Trippy work from the late cinematic madman, Ken Russell.

Anyone else have some favorites they'd care to share?
Bridesmaids, Superbad, the Hangover, all the Vacation movies, We're the Millers, Baby Momma, There's Something About Mary.

I'm sure there are way more that aren't coming to mind right now. I just love movies, period.
Airplane, Stripes, Meatballs.
Airplane, Stripes, Meatballs. Originally Posted by Nukeman69

Bridesmaids, Superbad, the Hangover, all the Vacation movies, We're the Millers, Baby Momma, There's Something About Mary. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Loved The Hangover. Especially Ken Jeong as Mr. Chow!

Loved The Hangover. Especially Ken Jeong as Mr. Chow!

Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Since my internet is out, I think I'll watch my hard copy of Hangover right now. *bored*
In general, I've always had a soft spot for low-budget sci-fi and horror movies, where the writing is awful, the acting is even worse, and the special effects look like they were made with a budget of $50. I'm a lifelong fan of Godzilla and other kaiju/giant monsters, and a lot of those movies are so cheesy you could top nachos with them.
In general, I've always had a soft spot for low-budget sci-fi and horror movies, where the writing is awful, the acting is even worse, and the special effects look like they were made with a budget of $50. I'm a lifelong fan of Godzilla and other kaiju/giant monsters, and a lot of those movies are so cheesy you could top nachos with them. Originally Posted by JdeHog
Ha ha, me too!

JdeHog & Spanky, that must be a guy thing. You're not allowed to subject me to that. Lol
Ha ha, me too! Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Damn, and I thought the Mothra Song was awful!


JdeHog & Spanky, that must be a guy thing. You're not allowed to subject me to that. Lol Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Too late, I'm already ordering a gift-wrapped Godzilla boxset for your birthday!
...Too late, I'm already ordering a gift-wrapped Godzilla boxset for your birthday! Originally Posted by JdeHog
Rollypolly's Avatar
The last dragon, monster sqaud, anything mel brooks
I would say Monster Squad certainly qualifies!

Omerta's Avatar
In general, I've always had a soft spot for low-budget sci-fi and horror movies, where the writing is awful, the acting is even worse, and the special effects look like they were made with a budget of $50. I'm a lifelong fan of Godzilla and other kaiju/giant monsters, and a lot of those movies are so cheesy you could top nachos with them. Originally Posted by JdeHog
Mystery Science Theater 3000
bluffcityguy's Avatar
From Dusk till Dawn.

A "criminals on the run" saga that totally does a 180 at the halfway mark and turns into a Mexican vampire horror film... what's not to love about that? And say what you want about Quentin Tarantino, but the guy can write some dialogue.

At 3:04 or so in the above:

[Seth and Richie are bank robbers on the run, who have just killed a Texas Ranger, gotten into a shootout with the clerk at Benny's World of Liquor, and have been forced to set the place on fire. As the liquor store explodes in the background...]
Seth: What did I tell you?! What did I say to you? I said buy the road map and leave.
Richie: What the fuck was I supposed to do, Seth? He recognized us.
Seth: He didn't recognize shit!
Richie: Seth, I'm telling you. The way he looked at us, you especially, I knew he knew.
Seth: Low profile. Do you understand the meaning of the words "Low Profile"?
Richie: "Hey, how's your hand, Richie?" It hurts like a fucking son of a bitch, thanks for asking, Seth!
Seth: Let me tell you what low profile is not! Low profile is not taking girls hostage! It is not shooting police officers! IT IS NOT SETTING FIRE TO A BUILDING!
Richie: Bitch, bitch, bitch.

And Cheech Marin playing several roles, including a classic, the Mexican strip-club barker Chet Pussy (near the beginning of this clip):

One of my all-time guilty pleasures.

