Ann Walker

In these hard time what would you do to recommend a provider to do to get more exposure on eccie ? Its not like we have been over run with providers for our area....Just asking....
vicinms's Avatar
Hey Ann

Two things come to mind to get more exposure. The first would be post both a Provider Ad forum ad and a Weekend Lineup ad very week. Of course, this depends on availabillity but I'd recommend a Provider Ad post on Mondays and a Weekend Lineup ad every Thursday. Some girls are available but only post an ad every few weeks, so if you want more exposure then why not post ads as often as possible? It doesn't take long for a two week old ad to get buried in the stack and many guys have short memories and don't dig too far down.

The other suggestion is to post more in general. Feel free to participate in some of the many Coed (or other forum) discussions or even start your own topic. It gets a girls name out there more and gives guys a chance to see your personality more than a typical ad does.