A contrast of party policies

  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2020, 09:53 AM
From a letter by Wayne Grudem - thanks DF for the posting - a comparison of the prty polices of the Republicans and Democrats.

Republcan Party:

- originalist judges,

- pro-life policies,

- a stronger military,

- a free-market economic system,

- lower taxes,

- fewer government regulations,

- strong support for Israel,

- clearheaded recognition of the economic, military, and information threat of China

- a high value placed on human freedom,

- personal accountability for committing crimes,

- good jobs and school choice as the best way to help the poor,

- a strong border wall and a secure border, followed by a comprehensive reform of our immigration system,

- careful extraction and clean use of carbon-based fuels (coal, oil, natural gas),

- freedom of conscience (government should not force Christians to use their artistic skills to convey a message of approval of same-sex marriage or to use their medical skills to perform an abortion, or to use their pharmacies as the distribution point for drugs that cause abortion),

- racial inequalities in income and quality of education should primarily be solved by

- greater availability of tax-supported school choice in low-income neighborhoods,

- economic growth resulting in more and better jobs, and

- an increase in safety through an increase in police presence in high crime neighborhoods

- medical marijuana should be allowed (with a prescription from a doctor) but recreational marijuana should be prohibited, and

- restrooms, locker rooms, and single-gender sports teams should be restricted to people of one biological sex or the other.

Democrat party:

- allow abortion up to the moment of birth,

- authorize the use of our tax money to pay for abortions and gender reassignment surgery,

- cripple our economy with ever-increasing government control and taxes,

- further cripple the economy with expensive Green New Deal energy regulations,

- increase unemployment,

- weaken our military in the face of increased aggressiveness by China,

- promote a Jimmy Carter-like foreign policy of appeasement,

- abandon Israel to fend for itself,

- nullify the Senate filibuster rule (both Obama and Biden have recently spoken about this) so that all legislation can be passed with only 50 senators plus the vice president casting the tie-breaking vote,

- support the rising influence of judges who are not constrained by the original meaning of the words of the Constitution or of the laws, perhaps even adding six additional seats to the Supreme Court in order to be able to give the court a new 10-5 majority of such justices (this could be done with control of both the House, the Senate, and the presidency)

- grant statehood to both Washington DC and Puerto Rico, thus adding four more Democrats to the U.S. Senate (I have heard three US senators already predict that the Democrats would do this if they had the votes)

- support draconian laws that compel an artistic professional or a professional counselor to affirm the validity of same-sex marriage even when that is contrary to the professional person’s conscience,

- reinstate the Obama-era guidelines that required schools to allow biological males who claim to be transgender females to use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers (the guidelines were canceled by Trump),

- allow biological males to compete in women’s sports, setting new statewide records in women’s track events and other sports

- pass multiple new, extremely strict green energy laws that will massively increase energy costs and therefore will also increase the cost of everything that is made or transported with the use of energy,

- seek to defund the police (to be precise, Biden has said he favors “redirecting” some police funding to other programs, which is a partial “defunding” of police, which will lead predictably to a substantial increase in crime),

- use violence and intimidation to nullify freedom of speech (in practice) for those who disagree with them politically,

- support open borders and sanctuary cities in defiance of the law, and that

- promote a complete federal government takeover of our healthcare system.

- and - pack the SC with radical judges to achieve a majority in the SC to advance any and all socialist policies above.

I am not a Trump fan - but the radicalism of the DPST's is chilling - they follow their violent protestors in Porltand and other cities toward a marxist rule of Amerika!
SR - who is in denial as to the senility of Biden - what say You????
a few more dim desires that comes readily to mind

do away with the electoral college

voting rights for all residents

you mentioned the nullification of the first amendment (although there is a bit of schizophrenia in its nullification) but there's also 2nd amendment nullification

there seems to be a movement afoot regarding property destruction being part of a protest right

so on the one hand, free speech limitations for those who disagree with them but expanded free speech rights for the left to encompass property destruction, as well as common law assault, all within the definition of a peaceful protest
  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2020, 11:19 AM
NGIT - Thank You - Agreed!
BJonesBaby's Avatar
Dubious sourcing, Trump talking points and lies. Not a Trump fan? I’m sorry, sir, your post is based in sheer fantasy and denial. If this is what you truly believe, then why even ask for discussion?
This isn’t about discussion. It’s like every other thread in what should be renamed White Grievance Forum.
I want all people to have justice. That statement alone is enough to start a riot. I want all people to have prosperity. I want all people to be treated fairly. Feel free to discus 1B1.

Yesterday, there was organized riots and looting in Chicago. Caravans of cars came into the city and were met by police officers. Stores broken into. Merchandise stolen. No social distancing and few masks. How does that help anybody? Saw a store broken with probably 10K$ worth of damage. Looks like all they took was a couple of cases of soda.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Something to think about ;

Prior to the Civil War and during the Civil War there were many Foreign Intrigues taking place.
These foreign countries were very encouraging regarding the secession of the South.They wanted to gain undue influence and perhaps spoils of war.
We were still a relatively new young country.
With us being divided and thus weakened we were very much exposed to possible take over.These countries were embarking on empire and wanted us.Fortunately our Union was preserved.

Today with the Extremes on both sides it once again sets us up to be Ripe for being taken over.
From within or also from without.

I am trying to think more as an American and not so much as a political party member Republican or Democrat.

It's hard cause I know on a practical level and for the Short-Term there are only the two choices before us.
But I am very concerned for the welfare of our country right now.

I can't help but feel that some of this extremism is being stoked some from the inside,but from the outside as well.
Wise man Sportfisherman. Anyone hear ever heard of Jim Jones? Unfortunately, his lesson applies to both sides. We should all use our own brains.
  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2020, 02:16 PM
Dubious sourcing, Trump talking points and lies. Not a Trump fan? I’m sorry, sir, your post is based in sheer fantasy and denial. If this is what you truly believe, then why even ask for discussion? Originally Posted by BJonesBaby

Thank You - BB - who has the usual DPST response to exposure of your DPST political platform.

To One who believes the DPST party will magically make black folks have 'justice and equality' - guess what - the DPST's are the race-baiters and purveyors of shit hole cities across the nation, and profit from plantation control and a visit every four years to con foolish black people into their manna from heaven promises.

Such a superficial, blinded by propaganda response.

yes - i asked for discussion - which your marxist OBLM is ideologically unable to participate ini

Try again, BB. your only response has been denial , deflection, and adherence to the Marxist ideology - which will impoverish black America even more than it already has.
  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2020, 02:19 PM
Something to think about ;

Prior to the Civil War and during the Civil War there were many Foreign Intrigues taking place.
These foreign countries were very encouraging regarding the secession of the South.They wanted to gain undue influence and perhaps spoils of war.
We were still a relatively new young country.
With us being divided and thus weakened we were very much exposed to possible take over.These countries were embarking on empire and wanted us.Fortunately our Union was preserved.

Today with the Extremes on both sides it once again sets us up to be Ripe for being taken over.
From within or also from without.

I am trying to think more as an American and not so much as a political party member Republican or Democrat.

It's hard cause I know on a practical level and for the Short-Term there are only the two choices before us.
But I am very concerned for the welfare of our country right now.

I can't help but feel that some of this extremism is being stoked some from the inside,but from the outside as well. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

SF - reasonable and good points.

Agreed - What outside entity would benefit from this dissension and disarray in America.

Putin and Xi - the CCP perhaps.


I wonder that ther are long term sleeper cells being activated to enable and direct the riots and looting in an effort to have the marxist DPST's take power. and once they do, no more freedom in America.

Example - Venezuela/maduro - whom the DPST leadership laud and approve of .
  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2020, 02:25 PM
This isn’t about discussion. It’s like every other thread in what should be renamed White Grievance Forum. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

thank You - you are as racist as the KKK and OBLM!!
Try to get an education and discuss the DPST platform planks published above for You.
sportfisherman's Avatar
There are outside entities that would love to see us fractious,divided,and weakened.

And I am not speaking of "taken over" in an extreme sense such as an invasion from Russia where suddenly we are a Russian possession.
But they can foster an extreme Change to our thus far successful form of government for 200 years.
A change that would not be good for us while it may be beneficial to foreign interests.

I also am not espousing some sort of Kumbaya let's all be friends type thing in a political sense.

But one must consider that forces from within or without would not be solely focused on the left and effecting change for a Left dominant program.

They may look to the Right to achieve an over reaction from that side that in the short term may seem like a Victory to the right but that would not be good for us long term.

They could be fomenting Left disruption now as you put forth in order to bring an Extreme Right reaction that could compromise our liberties.

Once The Man can put his knee on anyone's neck , we are All at risk to have it done so to Any of us.
  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2020, 03:25 PM
Interesting thought - I think there are radicals on both sides - and instead of a line spectrum - it is a circle - and the radicals meet at their extreme ends in an identical authoritarian totalitarian form of government.
Very much like 1917 russia - the reds and the whites - Tsarists v Bolsheviks - it is more compex than that simplistic portrayal - but as an example.

Still -
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
These deathless lines are generally credited to Barry Goldwater, but he didn’t write them. Karl Hess, Goldwater’s lovable anarchist speechwriter, put them in the Arizona senator’s Republican convention acceptance speech. “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!” Goldwater actually said, in a slightly less pithy formulation. “And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” It’s a rousing sentiment, however it’s phrased.
sportfisherman's Avatar
There are definitely Radicals on both sides.

And it is certainly a complex situation not readily over simplified.

Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice and can be good.The most obvious example is our own revolution of our Founding Fathers.

However at this time it might be a mistake for either side to get carried away and feel that extreme Extremism is in order and justified to preserve our present form of government just yet.

I feel like we are being pushed closer and closer to the edge of an abyss on the right and the left.

I feel like a move back from those edges towards the middle is in order.
And have some faith in our democracy to play things out.

The Right wing side of things is not infallible.They have no ordained claim to righteousness in this matter.

And the Left is definitely fallible as well and has no such claim to righteousness either.
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
Here’s the real truth, something Trump avoids like the plague because he’s already said, he doesn’t take responsibility for anything and he says every day that COVID-19 will just “Go Away” like magic, he’s been saying that for 6 mths
Of course, he’s a LIAR. but that’s no surprise. I guess he loves death and destruction. Mayhem and chaos.

The real numbers

Number of Deaths 166,109

Number of infections 5,247,009

Children infected 97,000

Oh but Trump says Kids are immune from COVID...oh really?
Yep another LIE.

Just a reminder for all you Trump goats and promoting the usual BS propaganda