October surprise may come early...

gfejunkie's Avatar
It has to come early, as early voting and mail-in voting starts very soon.

We have been promised many things about "the storm" for a while. When it truly comes, I'll believe it. Even if Durham and Barr have Obama, Biden, et al. dead to rights on a coup attempt against President Trump, I'm not so sure many voters will be affected by it at this point.
obama and biden, named as unindicted co-conspirators
rexdutchman's Avatar
Y2K is coming , the Great Reset , agenda 20/30 9 (check it out UN web page , world economic forum 2020 ) Jan will be the BIG surprise
gfejunkie's Avatar
Looks like they're starting at the bottom...

Looks like they're starting at the bottom...

https://www.yahoo.com/news/ex-fbi-la...154144277.html Originally Posted by gfejunkie
these leftist articles always slay me

its always "trump and his supporters" think or hope or "they view it as" or hope it bolsters "trumps wobbly reelection hopes" or "politically charged exercise"

the articles are always slanted away from the seriousness of the events and the great amount of evidence, both direct and circumstantial, that is known

there is never any sort of investigative reporting of the events and lies of the participants and the timelines and the dots that connect

and never a tone taken that reflects the great damage to american institutions by obama and company

every reporting by the left is designed to present the national outrage as a mere dismissive political squabble

its truly awful and willfully blind
HoeHummer's Avatar
Looks like he’s already started ...

What are yous going to do about the Orange Fever? YouLL likelay have 200,000 dead by Election Day, I suppose Obama caused that too, eh?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So about 9 weeks is what I heard.
these leftist articles always slay me

its always "trump and his supporters" think or hope or "they view it as" or hope it bolsters "trumps wobbly reelection hopes" or "politically charged exercise"

the articles are always slanted away from the seriousness of the events and the great amount of evidence, both direct and circumstantial, that is known

there is never any sort of investigative reporting of the events and lies of the participants and the timelines and the dots that connect

and never a tone taken that reflects the great damage to american institutions by obama and company

every reporting by the left is designed to present the national outrage as a mere dismissive political squabble

its truly awful and willfully blind Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Correct. "Let me tell you what Trump said" or "What Trump was thinking" or "What he should have ". All lousy ploys to subsitute for a direct quote from Trump. You want to tell me what Trump said, roll the clip. They have it. Don't spend 10 minutes with somebody's interpretation.
HedonistForever's Avatar
"But Clinesmith didn't mean to change the wording, he thought he was doing the right thing". Well, there you go, case closed.

But word is that Clinesmith made a deal. I wonder how many other FBI personnel are wondering tonight what Mr. Clinesmith is going to say to mitigate his sentence? Was he the only person in the entire FBI that knew what he did? Doubt it.

How do you lie to a FISA court and not do prison time? The only way I can think of is deliver a bigger fish.

So now we have one pleading guilty. Two of the four persons that signed those affidavits saying they had verified what was in them have now said if they knew then what they know now, they wouldn't have signed them because what they know now and should have with a little due diligence, known then, that it was all garbage.

Nobody, not one single person in the FBI, CIA, State Dept. Intelligence community, ever told Adam Schiff in sealed testimony only recently released, that they had any first hand information that anybody in the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to interfere in the election and for over 3 years, Adam Schiff told us he had that evidence and he got it from the people who now say that they never said any such thing and Adam Schiff doesn't get punished for that? All the journalists that won awards for their erroneous reporting don't have to return those awards and apologize for their false assertions, really?

I hope Durham is able to get to the real heart of the matter and that is the part the CIA and other foreign intelligence entities played in setting up Papadopolous that started this whole thing and the man himself, James Comey, that kept the train running down the tracks knowing damn well it was all a lie.
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 08:32 AM
Amen - HF.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Look into his eyes... the eyes of obedience ... LOLLLLLLLLING!

matchingmole's Avatar
Many Trumptards think "early" means August or September
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
I think even most Trump supporters would have to admit he played "the game" very well, donating to Democrats on multiple occasions before he decided to run for the Republican nomination and eventually win the Presidency of the United States. However, he is no longer in lock-step with those mainly Democrat influences, so he no longer enjoys such preferential treatment from those people. I voted for him in 2016 because the system was broken and he was the closest thing to an "outsider" there was on the ballots. I am going to vote for him again this year because I refuse to reward the obstructionist (and sometimes outright seditious) forces that conspired against him.