
I'm compel to bring this subject of reviews so both sides can offer theirs views,so some Not to intelligent and arrogant individuals understand something that's since to be so logical.
I recently came across Kimber Rose, we set our meeting and about 30 minutes before the agreed meeting she sent me a text to let me know that I must write her review before living her place because some hobbies had ruined for the rest of us. I responded saying that I understand her point of view but I'm not gonna be victimize for the misdeeds of others Nor that I will play the pussywhip scripts and allow any coercion in the content of my review so I respectfully declined. it's my style to write factual and unemotional review and only for those whom merit one. I rather to pay full session cost than writing bullshit. Most of the providers I can across are fantastic chicks that I feel privileged to expend time with, but very few are deceitful all around and on top of that arrogant with retarded logical thinking. My two cent on this subject is; if a hobby want the review special, he's obligate it to write one but the content should be factual . If she's one of the deceitful one she should feel happy that he didn't exposed her ways, but often are the ones that bitch and make big deal out of it. now I concede the
I agree that the provider should not demand the review be written in her presence at the conclusion of the session...having said that, if you feel inclined to write it and have her correct/edit then I don't know how valid that review is.....
BUT, some ladies extend the review special and nothing is written and that is taking advantage of her time and rate....
Iam too old to have to convince some that being a decent person to each other is the best 95% of the honest on both sides...
It works for me....
My .02
Smh. I don't edit anything. I ask my clients to send me the links to my reviews that's when I see them. You can ask all the gentleman who reviewed me. I don't stand over them and watch them at all. The only thing I tell them to put are the activities that took place. But if it's such an issue. Don't see me. As I have told the OP. Simple. Don't tell me how to run my business whether you think the logic is retarded or not.
Btw Forniman I did suggest you pay the full price. It is my choice to give the review special in the first place and to whom I give it to for reasons like this. You are the one doing the bitching and causing drama simply because we disagreed on the service. I'm just wondering why you haven't spent the rest of your free time booking with one of the many fantastic providers you mentioned. Why rant about you not being able to see me because things weren't ran the way you wanted them to be ran? Seriously I don't even have time for high school drama and hissy fits. Some of you folks just have too much time on your hands. Wife or no wife.
Pardon me madam, my intent is not to interfere with your discussion with the young gentleman. I only wanted to interject to say, "Damn you got a phat ass"!

Carry on.....

Oh yeah, my 2 cents, a hobbyist should not be pressured or coerced to write a review "in front" of the provider. However, even if he is made to do so, he should always be truthful and accurate whether she likes it or not.
Thanks DarkeyKong. Being truthful in the reviews has nothing to do with this certain situation. What the OP is ranting about is that he didn't want to write a review before he left my room which I require and after he stated his claim I told him that he is free to do what he wants to do and so am I. That should have been the end of it from my standpoint but then he went on to tell me what I should do and shouldn't do and what will be good for my business and what wouldn't be which is not his position.

If it was me I would have moved on to plan B and C a long time ago. Someone mentions that it's not suitable for the provider to be editing the reviews when that is not the case at all because I don't edit any of my reviews. Most of the reviews that are written on me I don't even get to see until they are already up. Hence many times my name was misspelled in the title of the reviews and some of them I don't even like so Did I edit those too?

I have had clients stress to me that they don't want me standing over their shoulder while writing my review and I absolutely respect that. My intention is not to read and edit the review at all. My intention is to make sure that I'm not ripped off and robbed of my $50 discount that I offered for the intent of the hobbyist writing a review which I and other providers have been ripped off before..
DarkeyKong. My apologies. I am attempting to drive and defend my name at the same time.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 07-28-2016, 06:46 PM
This is an interesting talking point. This is the provider's business and she could require you to stand on your head reciting poetry for a $50 discount. It would be up to the customer to accept or decline. The important part is that both parties are aware of the requirement ahead of time.

I've never been asked to write the review while in the presence of the provider. I'm not 100% how that would work. Would I use your laptop and just make sure to sign out? It would take me an hour to write a review on my phone. I still think it's the provider's business and she can do what she likes as long as both people are aware of the rules to receive the discount.

I also think that if a provider wants a review written in her presence after the session, that she probably provides a pretty damn good time and isn't worried about an unhappy customer.

As far as provider reading a review? It's my review and I can share the details of MY review with anybody I choose to.
Btw Forniman I did suggest you pay the full price. It is my choice to give the review special in the first place and to whom I give it to for reasons like this. You are the one doing the bitching and causing drama simply because we disagreed on the service. I'm just wondering why you haven't spent the rest of your free time booking with one of the many fantastic providers you mentioned. Why rant about you not being able to see me because things weren't ran the way you wanted them to be ran? Seriously I don't even have time for high school drama and hissy fits. Some of you folks just have too much time on your hands. Wife or no wife. Originally Posted by Kimber Rose
Strong rebuttal. I like your style, this definitely put you on the map for me as I had not seen your profile before.

OP, bottom line is that she has her rules, whatever they are and for whatever reason. Don't like it, pay the full price or move on. No reason for the drama or to try to shame her. The reason for the discount is to create business. If people are not living up to their agreement, I can see why she is modifying the requirements. If she is upfront about it, no reason for you to bitch about it.
Thank you L.A. I can take some blame for not being more specific in my ad which I will be editing soon. But I agree once terms are on the table, you can agree or disagree then hobby on. I take no prisoners nor do I make anyone do what they don't want to do.

I apologize Forniman if you feel I didn't give you enough time in advance. I told you I could be available in a hour then I mentioned 30 min later the full terms simply because I forgot to in the first message. I will take the blame for that.

Other than that I don't know what your purpose was to write this thread.. All of my previous clients have learned the way I conduct my business and have managed just fine and most of them are returned clients. Any new friends that would like to see me and TAKE ADVANTAGE of my review special will learn the terms as well. If not they can a) pay full price or b) not see me. Very simple.
Barrymccockinner 💋
DarkeyKong. My apologies. I am attempting to drive and defend my name at the same time. Originally Posted by Kimber Rose
I see what you're saying, coming from the OP's POV though, standing over a guy's shoulder could hint at a bit of intimidation to right only positive things, or at minimum, a review that would not necessarily reflect that of a review which one would write if they were by themselves.

Then again, you can do whatever the hell you want to. Hell, you can throw me into the crippler cross-face submission hold while I'm writing a review for all I care with dat ass! Then again, it doesn't matter to me if I'm being proctored or not while writing a review. Darkey just calls it like he sees it!

So, I guess OP is not necessarily trying to say you're wrong for having such a policy. Maybe he is just expressing his discontent about the policy.
Not sure why the OP posted. She told you ahead of time her conditions to see her for the review special. While I would not agree to those conditions, I can understand why she has them. She did not spring it on you at the end of the session. So whats the point of the post?

Dear, I always tell girls to give the reward for the review on the next session. If he likes you, he will be more likely to right the review and more importantly, return to get his reward. Repeat business. Win-win. If he does not write the review, you still got your normal rate. Win for you. If he did not like the session, hes not coming back anyway and you still got your normal rate. Win for you.

Note he has an hour from time of posting to edit a review so all he has to do is walk to his car and redo the review on his phone or remove it entirely. What do you think hes going to say if he felt cohersed into writing a positive review? . BIG loose for you.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
He also could have posed the question/concern without dragging her name into it. Weak.
TinMan's Avatar
So, the guys are writing reviews from your computer? Do I have that straight?