This has happened to me twice, I book with and when I arrive to the hotel I am informed there is no booking.
Confused to say the least, I call and they inform me that my reservation had indeed been cancelled. I ask why and I am told that it could not be processed and that I will be issued a refund.
After speaking to a couple of people and finally reaching a manager I was told the refund would be within 3 business days...... IF MY CC COULD NOT BE PROCESSED THEN HOW IS THERE MONEY TO REFUND ME WITH? Then I state it was there mistake on cancelling my reservation so why am I having to wait 3 days for my money back?
Needless to say I will never ever use them again and what about people that travel a bit to get to the hotel to find out there is no booking.
Booked it Thursday at 3:30 pm. Still no refund. I have spoken to them and Am/Ex 32 times.
Am I the only one this has happened to?
Thanks for letting me vent.