OK tonight we are going to play...

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-17-2015, 08:56 PM
Loan out your Hoogar phone, the game where you loan your phone to a Monger for the night! The Monger will answer all your texts, negotiate your deals, schedule your visits.

I've got my first conversation already mapped.


Yes, this is Claire

Are you busy right now?

I have a paraplegic, a blind guy & Hasidic Jew over. We're playing "hide the salami & if you find it what will you do with it"? But we shan't be much longer

Can I see you?

I don't know, CAN YOU?!?! Stalker...

How much will you charge me?

How much will you pay?

Can we try the 30 second challenge?

We're doing that right now, the blind guy accidentally stuffed the salami up the paraplegics ass & we're counting down to the ambulances arrival.

So, what do you think? Sound fun? Pic your Monger and get those IPhones out there!
FS_ITC's Avatar
LOL. This is when I wonder why I choose to click on those coed discussions!
Toyz, you can totally take over my google voice anytime!!!
Now this was worth clicking on. Made my day