Pack Light! Major Cities Forbid Carrying Multiple Condoms

According to a few (cursory) blog and twitter posts I came across today, the DC police can now arrest someone on the intent to solicit prostitution based upon the number of condoms in her purse, more than three to be exact. Who knows if this evidence is enough to ever convict someone, but being arrested is terrible enough. Beyond the obvious issues with this ordeal (promoting unsafe sex, shitting on privacy, busying the overworked LE with useless stuff) this news made me giggle in an ain't-life-fucked sort of way.

Even though I'm no longer a full time provider, I'm still in the habit of stocking up my pack the smart way: 3-4 magnums, 5-8 regulars, 2-3 smalls, 2-3 novelties (just for giggles). When you add the 1-2 regulars stashed in each tiny pocket of every purse and overnight bag I own, I'm well over the limit, even to this day.

Anywho, this is simply a head's up to the girls (and guys) who travel to DC, San Francisco, and New York. Although your risk of being caught or searched is still pretty damn low, it shows that our world is still very much on their radars. Perhaps this is why those smart folks invented the panties and tennis shoes with the tiny little pockets that couldn't hold much else. Maybe the same cats that make money off of the stash-containers at head shops can open up to a new market!
Thank you very much for the heads-up, Jenn. Won't be long before they're doing that everywhere.

The Land of the Free? I'm reminded of the old saying -
"People get the government they deserve"...

******** is much safer than alcohol, but it is illegal. Safe sex is much safer than unprotected, but you can get busted for carrying condoms. The people who make these laws are not "stupid". They know exactly what they are doing.

I am not a Pacifist (not by any means) but I admire Mohandas Gandhi. He said
"We have a moral obligation to disobey unrighteous laws".
That applies to a lot more than condoms.
Max Respect
rekcaSxT's Avatar
If you are at the point with the Police that they are going through your purse they already have you in custody. That is unless you regularly allow the search of your personal effects without a warrant. If the police are already going through your purse you probably have bigger problems than being over the condom limit. This is most likely the kind of thing they can use to arrest a woman they believe to be a street walker even if she hasn't actually propositioned anyone. If you don't walk the streets you are probably ok.

I will say that if you are in an airport you should probably put all your condoms in your checked bag. They can look through your clothes now. THAT would be an embarassing interview with TSA. "There appears to be about 15 condoms in your purse ma'am, I am afraid you are threatening national security".

I have always heard it is illegal to drive without shoes on, but the police can't see my feet so I take my shoes off when I drive.
westex69's Avatar
I recently saw a girl at my hotel in Dallas and she was telling me about this there, I dont know if its true or not but she seemed concerned,,,,,,,,
Schmafty's Avatar
Would it be even legal at that point to sell condoms in 12 count boxes or more at the grocery store?

I can only imagine cops waiting outside of the store arresting people that buy condoms more frequently than one at a time.
I think this is an urban myth of sorts. The main reason is that an officer would have to have probable cause to search a lady's purse. That is EXTREMELY hard for the officer to prove if the ONLY reason they stop a woman is to see how many condom's she is carrying in her purse/overnight bag. And Shmafty makes a good point about the large count boxes.
I can see this applying ONLY if there is some other reason the lady is stopped by an officer and there is a reason for them to search her bag(s) OTHER than just to see how many condom's she is carrying. And even if there is, a half-way decent attorney would be able to easily get any "suspected solicitation" charges dropped.
You can't charge someone with a crime because an officer "suspects" they might be doing it. It is called "innocent until PROVEN guilty". May not seem like it sometimes, but that is still a basic part of the laws in this country. (For the time being that is!! LOL)
berkleigh's Avatar
Thank you for that info.
What will they think of next??
Condoms equals trouble now,smh - shaking my head
gman45's Avatar
Thanks for the info Jen...
nuglet's Avatar
I'm just selling the condoms, the sex is FREE!!!!!!!!!
Thats crazy!!!
layzieb36's Avatar
I can just see my sex-ed teacher back in 7th grade shaking her head about this lol. Safety should never be illegal, and who's to say how safe is too safe. Just my 2 cents.
harkontume's Avatar
Urban Legend
It's hard to tell what to believe these days and I'm a gullible girl, but here are a few links. Pick your poison:

Feminist Propaganda
Liberal Propaganda
Pop-Culture Fame Whore

Obviously I don't have any strong sources, but three shaky sources equals one solid source, right? Tough crowd.