Passing through CS next weekend...

Hey guys, I'll be passing through CS next weekend and wondering if there are any good local coffee shops or places to eat, that you would recommend. I don't eat beef, but everything else is fine.
dudebro's Avatar
Hey Gwen.......Muldoon's is a pretty good coffee house, and Napa flats is a good restaurant you could try. Both are local and in the same shopping center......It's the Kohl's shopping center on Texas ave. and Harvey. hope this helps
Harvest Coffee Bar is the best in the area. Every cup is lovingly created with craftsmanship including the Chemex (which is excellent). Most of College Station coffee is wretched except for 1541 Pastries and Coffee near Wal-Mart.
flowerflower1's Avatar
Fish daddy's has great food at a reasonable price....
Guys! Thanks so much for the suggestion! I'm looking forward to visiting, even for just an overnight.
Looks like I'll literally be passing through...can't seem to find any decent accommodations for Saturday night.