Trump to release unredacted FISA warrant applications,

I B Hankering's Avatar
Trump: I Plan To Declassify and Release All FISA Docs (Video)

By Sara Carter - March 28, 2019

President Trump, in an exclusive wide-ranging interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ “Hannity,” vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and related documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign, saying he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began.

Trump told anchor Sean Hannity that his lawyers previously had advised him not to take that dramatic step out of fear that it could be considered obstruction of justice.

(Sara Carter)

@ 39:03 --
LexusLover's Avatar
"...out of fear that it could be considered obstruction of justice..." ???

By whom? The LameStreamMedia "legal eagles"?

U.S. Code
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§ 1501. Assault on process server
§ 1502. Resistance to extradition agent
§ 1503. Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally
§ 1504. Influencing juror by writing
§ 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
§ 1506. Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail
§ 1507. Picketing or parading
§ 1508. Recording, listening to, or observing proceedings of grand or petit juries while deliberating or voting
§ 1509. Obstruction of court orders
§ 1510. Obstruction of criminal investigations
§ 1511. Obstruction of State or local law enforcement
§ 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
§ 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant
§ 1514. Civil action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness
§ 1514A. Civil action to protect against retaliation in fraud cases
§ 1515. Definitions for certain provisions; general provision
§ 1516. Obstruction of Federal audit
§ 1517. Obstructing examination of financial institution
§ 1518. Obstruction of criminal investigations of health care offenses
§ 1519. Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
§ 1520. Destruction of corporate audit records
§ 1521. Retaliating against a Federal judge or Federal law enforcement officer by false claim or slander of title
Let's try this one, since it "smells" most likely to apply:

§ 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another to do so; or

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—

Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
... we are a "Nation of WRITTEN Laws" passed and approved by the very body that is attempting to claim "obstruction of justice" means something different than what they passed.

An old appropriate saying in this instance, in fact there are two of them:

1. "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword."

2. "The shoe is on the other foot soon enough."

This one applies as well: "If you don't start shit, there will not be any shit!"

I recognize that the SocialistLiberalAnti-Trumpers in this country want to change the U.S. Constitution, or just smooth ass ignore it, but like so many others who do, when they NEED to be protected by the provisions and interpretations of the same documents they proclaim they want to change for their advantage (and/or select to simply pretend they don't exist or don't say what is printed) the scream bloody murder about "DUE PROCESS"!!!

I look forward to seeing the bullshitters in this country and on this board go through the ridiculous "argument" that releasing a government document within Trump's AUTHORITY even comes close to being ....

corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication
Particularly when those same loons want Mueller's report released in its ENTIRETY .... which by the way includes the VERY DOCUMENT with which they proclaim they can prosecute Trump for releasing!!!!!!!!!!!

As each day passes these fools and the fools supporting and voting for them are showing by their own ignorance and hypocrisy why they have no business in government, even emptying waste paper baskets or sweeping floors.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"...out of fear that it could be considered obstruction of justice..." ???

By whom? The LameStreamMedia "legal eagles"? Originally Posted by LexusLover

prolly by Rosenstein & Sessions. He was going to do this before the election and was talked out of it.
LexusLover's Avatar
prolly by Rosenstein & Sessions. He was going to do this before the election and was talked out of it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Do what?

Charge Trump with "obstruction of justice" for releasing a fraudulent application for a search warrant presented to a Federal Judge? So far "we" haven't heard from the Judge's involved yet!

Little Billie Clinton got his ass handed to him by a Federal Judge for LYING!!! She waited until the dust had cleared. The Trump "Collusion" dust just got cleared!!!! This is the third or fourth INVESTIGATION that cleared it!!!!!

Remember all the stupid pukes who kept saying let Mueller FINISH!!!! Well he just DID! $25 MILLION WORTH!
"...out of fear that it could be considered obstruction of justice..." ???

By whom? The LameStreamMedia "legal eagles"?

Let's try this one, since it "smells" most likely to apply:

§ 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

... we are a "Nation of WRITTEN Laws" passed and approved by the very body that is attempting to claim "obstruction of justice" means something different than what they passed.

An old appropriate saying in this instance, in fact there are two of them:

1. "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword."

2. "The shoe is on the other foot soon enough."

This one applies as well: "If you don't start shit, there will not be any shit!"

I recognize that the SocialistLiberalAnti-Trumpers in this country want to change the U.S. Constitution, or just smooth ass ignore it, but like so many others who do, when they NEED to be protected by the provisions and interpretations of the same documents they proclaim they want to change for their advantage (and/or select to simply pretend they don't exist or don't say what is printed) the scream bloody murder about "DUE PROCESS"!!!

I look forward to seeing the bullshitters in this country and on this board go through the ridiculous "argument" that releasing a government document within Trump's AUTHORITY even comes close to being ....

Particularly when those same loons want Mueller's report released in its ENTIRETY .... which by the way includes the VERY DOCUMENT with which they proclaim they can prosecute Trump for releasing!!!!!!!!!!!

As each day passes these fools and the fools supporting and voting for them are showing by their own ignorance and hypocrisy why they have no business in government, even emptying waste paper baskets or sweeping floors. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I hope your interpretation is correct and Trump releases the information so we can find out who tried to set him up but failed to succeed.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Do what?

Charge Trump with "obstruction of justice" for releasing a fraudulent application for a search warrant presented to a Federal Judge? So far "we" haven't heard from the Judge's involved yet!

Little Billie Clinton got his ass handed to him by a Federal Judge for LYING!!! She waited until the dust had cleared. The Trump "Collusion" dust just got cleared!!!! This is the third or fourth INVESTIGATION that cleared it!!!!!

Remember all the stupid pukes who kept saying let Mueller FINISH!!!! Well he just DID! $25 MILLION WORTH! Originally Posted by LexusLover

He as in "trump", not Mueller.

Remember all the stupid pukes who kept saying let Mueller FINISH!!!! Well he just DID! $25 MILLION WORTH! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Mueller did a low level shakedown of minor players. After a couple of weeks it must have been obvious to him there was no "collusion" whatever charge that is. Then Mueller used his charge to do a thorough investigation of Trump and associates totally unrelated to the made up Russian question.

The raid of Trump's personal attorney Cohen with no Russian angle proved the coup attempt. The process charges of people who didn't know they were being questioned by the FBI and turned over all their data to the FBI reinforces the point. These are classic misdeeds and strong armed tactics of bad cops.

This investigation should have been complete in two months, not two years. It was like a game of chicken where Mueller was letting go on for too long to see if President Kong would stop it so Mueller could change him with obstruction. Mueller lost.
bambino's Avatar
Mueller did a low level shakedown of minor players. After a couple of weeks it must have been obvious to him there was no "collusion" whatever charge that is. Then Mueller used his charge to do a thorough investigation of Trump and associates totally unrelated to the made up Russian question.

The raid of Trump's personal attorney Cohen with no Russian angle proved the coup attempt. The process charges of people who didn't know they were being questioned by the FBI and turned over all their data to the FBI reinforces the point. These are classic misdeeds and strong armed tactics of bad cops.

This investigation should have been complete in two months, not two years. It was like a game of chicken where Mueller was letting go on for too long to see if President Kong would stop it so Mueller could change him with obstruction. Mueller lost. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Mueller ran this scam as a coverup to protect his cronies as long as possible. He tried like hell to find something but failed. It’s Trumps turn now. Should be a fun ride.
"...out of fear that it could be considered obstruction of justice..." ???

By whom? The LameStreamMedia "legal eagles"?

Let's try this one, since it "smells" most likely to apply:

§ 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

... we are a "Nation of WRITTEN Laws" passed and approved by the very body that is attempting to claim "obstruction of justice" means something different than what they passed.

An old appropriate saying in this instance, in fact there are two of them:

1. "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword."

2. "The shoe is on the other foot soon enough."

This one applies as well: "If you don't start shit, there will not be any shit!"

I recognize that the SocialistLiberalAnti-Trumpers in this country want to change the U.S. Constitution, or just smooth ass ignore it, but like so many others who do, when they NEED to be protected by the provisions and interpretations of the same documents they proclaim they want to change for their advantage (and/or select to simply pretend they don't exist or don't say what is printed) the scream bloody murder about "DUE PROCESS"!!!

I look forward to seeing the bullshitters in this country and on this board go through the ridiculous "argument" that releasing a government document within Trump's AUTHORITY even comes close to being ....

Particularly when those same loons want Mueller's report released in its ENTIRETY .... which by the way includes the VERY DOCUMENT with which they proclaim they can prosecute Trump for releasing!!!!!!!!!!!

As each day passes these fools and the fools supporting and voting for them are showing by their own ignorance and hypocrisy why they have no business in government, even emptying waste paper baskets or sweeping floors. Originally Posted by LexusLover
According to the media, Toto should be charged with obstruction for pulling the curtain away from The Wizard.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Remember the old days on Dragnet and The FBI? They would always tell us that names have been changed to protect the innocent. The democrats have a different take, names have been changed to protect their sorry asses.
Hotrod511's Avatar

the shit just keep's getting deeper for the Dim's