Providers reaching out.

A few months ago a provider I had not seen in years reached out by private message (not by text) just to say hello and let me know she would like to see me again. I thought it was a nice touch and I appreciated her effort. I subsequently booked a session with her and it was great to reconnect!

I wondered how others feel about providers reaching out to them. And how do providers feel about contacting former clients?
It happens time-to-time. You are right, it is a nice touch.
nastashastacks's Avatar
I hardly contact former gents that I've seen unless it has clearly been requested by the gentleman that it is fine to do so. I would NOT TEXT at all unless like I said the gent himself directly asked that I do so when in town or available.
If I do message or text even when it's been established that it is welcome I still always keep my initial contact very simply at first like "I am in ATX" no emojis/exclamation marks/pet names or anything, then respond based off gents message back to me.

I suppose I could probably have even more repeat clients if I did this more often however most clients that I see are great about checking up with me and my online schedules!!

Good topic ~ Hope y'all have a wonderful week!!
I do this as well. Its nice to reach out. Sometimes life gets busy and it feels good to have someone just say hello.

Now I have had people get down right ugly about it. That's uncalled for. Just say "hey I appreciate the hello but please let me reach out first".
LaniiStarrGaze's Avatar
I have a really good relationship with a few and I'm able to do this. Of course it's always a bangin time
Britttany_love's Avatar
I personally don't contact my clients outside of the time that we have shared or unless he has contacted me. A lot of mine are married, have families and a career and demand discretion. I also know if they want to see me they know how to contact me. I'm not a wife or gf and this is a service and should not be abused. I would expect the same respect when you are not booking with me. Most other service providers don't just cold call past clients to see how they are. If they do it's because they are trying to hustle you for business. Remember in this business it is a hustle and some girls are damn good at playing the game. I bet you 90% of those messages have a you should "need to come see me" and "catch up". I consider that a dirty hustle..Which I find tacky and alittle desperate. Just like I feel that it is inappropriate to just cold text/call/pm/email clients for business.
Agent220's Avatar
The ones I have in my favorites can text me at anytime.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I try not to text, but have reached out to previous clients through PM on here.
I try to respect the fact that most guys are married and don't want to jeopardize their personal life. When eccie shut down last year I did reach out with a simple text to let some know I was still around. But tried to leave it vague so that if a partner saw it they could say it was a wrong number.
While I wouldn’t want a text, pms would be great. Especially if they went utr. Had a pm conversation with one lady from 14 years ago last Christmas. It was great catching up but too bad we’re states apart now. I miss her chai tea.
ivy_rose's Avatar
I sent out an email recently to clients I hadn’t kept up with but would be delighted to see again. My reasoning was that I had changed a lot of info- name, phone number, website, etc and while I wasn’t trying to hide the connection that I’m the same person, if someone hadn’t checked up on me in awhile they might not be able to find me. I wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to rebook if they wanted to. I’ve also been traveling a lot more so I wanted people to know I might be in a city near them because I actually had a traveling client miss me when I came to his city.

But outside of these circumstances, no, I wouldn’t reach out to an old client even if it gives a personal touch. It is their decision if they want to rebook and I don’t want it to be under any pressure or weirdness on my part. I’m hoping my email was clear that it was just to communicate new information and not to make anyone feel obligated to see me again.
winn dixie's Avatar
I sent out an email recently to clients I hadn’t kept up with but would be delighted to see again. My reasoning was that I had changed a lot of info- name, phone number, website, etc and while I wasn’t trying to hide the connection that I’m the same person, if someone hadn’t checked up on me in awhile they might not be able to find me. I wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to rebook if they wanted to. I’ve also been traveling a lot more so I wanted people to know I might be in a city near them because I actually had a traveling client miss me when I came to his city.

But outside of these circumstances, no, I wouldn’t reach out to an old client even if it gives a personal touch. It is their decision if they want to rebook and I don’t want it to be under any pressure or weirdness on my part. I’m hoping my email was clear that it was just to communicate new information and not to make anyone feel obligated to see me again. Originally Posted by ivy_rose
No matter how its worded thats still unsolicited contact. No matter how one justifies it to themselves.
The OP was pretty explicit that the unsolicited contact was only through PM and Not through texting yet most responded specifically to unsolicited texting. How does that even happen?

To answer the actual question I would think followup PM's (here only) would not only be harmless but likely welcomed as there are no ISO's, Welcome wagon or Weekend forums.

PM's don't have to be detailed to say "Hey I'm still around, still interested in hanging and I trust you because we've met. Those I've met are welcome to throw me a friendly hello PM. Even those I haven't met are welcomed to say hi if you're well established and attractive.

I totally understand why everything has been removed but without PM's from the ladies they might as well close this place down as it's been rendered useless otherwise.
ivy_rose's Avatar
No matter how its worded thats still unsolicited contact. No matter how one justifies it to themselves. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I never said it wasn’t. All I said was I wouldn’t have done it without those circumstances and I made it clear in the email it was not me reaching out to get people to book, just to make sure they knew how to reach me if they wanted to. Don’t be bothered by it, you weren’t on the list.
winn dixie's Avatar
I never said it wasn’t. All I said was I wouldn’t have done it without those circumstances and I made it clear in the email it was not me reaching out to get people to book, just to make sure they knew how to reach me if they wanted to. Don’t be bothered by it, you weren’t on the list. Originally Posted by ivy_rose
Actually glad to be off that list. Justify it all you want. It was still unsolicited fishing for the potential future booking. You just admitted that in your own words.
And your rude and shitty comment was not very lady like! Thats ok, I have taken worse from far better.
winn dixie's Avatar
I never said it wasn’t. All I said was I wouldn’t have done it without those circumstances and I made it clear in the email it was not me reaching out to get people to book, just to make sure they knew how to reach me if they wanted to. Don’t be bothered by it, you weren’t on the list. Originally Posted by ivy_rose
So why even send that new info? You just saying hello? Yet providers bitch all the time if mongers do that without intent to book! Why would i be on that list? Ive never met you or had any contact with you. Nor any intent on meeting you. If i touched a nerve than maybe you should do some soul searching young lady.