Is Eccie getting old or am I?

Most interesting thing occurred today. I logged on and as I started reading more posts by the same small group of players that have remained or should I say survived the past few months I suddenly had this realization that I could not really think of a single reason to be logged on.

There has been no new blood forever it seems and the numbers have dwindled dramatically to just a small group.
Perhaps it's timing, maybe I'm growing up or maybe there aren't enough fresh posts from a large enough variety of personalities to keep it interesting.

Don't take this the wrong way because I think the vast majority of you guys have been great but it feels like going to a coffee shop every morning with the same small group of people sitting at a table trying to come up with a fresh take on an old past topic of conversation. As nice as everyone is after awhile it just gets old. I realize it is quite possible that the board is no different than it has ever been but my perception simply may have changed.

Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
DRorchia's Avatar
Try taking a few days off. I understand where you're coming from but I've experienced that feeling on many sites and in other areas. Read a newspaper or watch the news on TV every day and after awhile, it all feels like the same news. Read yahoo posts and it's much the same. Same story, only the names have changed so to speak. So when I find myself feeling that way, I'll take a break from that site for awhile. Once I come back, I usually find something to make me smile, make me shake my head in wonder or simply find a thread that's entertaining again.
Bobave's Avatar
Yeah, I do understand. I've been having the same sense of recent.
Whispers's Avatar
Yeah.... Every time I log in I see the same whiners..... I understand as well....

Gonna take this evening and go get laid.. hang out with friends..... maybe do some karaoke......
Yeah.... Every time I log in I see the same whiners..... I understand as well....

Gonna take this evening and go get laid.. hang out with friends..... maybe do some karaoke...... Originally Posted by Whispers
Hmmm .. I'm not really sure what your getting laid, hanging out with friends or Karaoke remotely has to do with my post.
Who really wants to know what Whispers is doing off the board? Nothing personal but I certainly don't give a rat's ass.

I don't perceive my perception of the board getting old as having anything to do with whining or hanging out with you socially. From the heavy influx of PM's I've received it would appear it is not just my imagination.

Most seem to feel the board is getting stagnant as a result of far more posts by vastly fewer individuals which is directly a result of many quality ladies either having been turned off or run off by a general air of disrespect toward providers (These are not my words).

Somehow it always comes down to the board solution as being "Do what Whispers is doing." To be honest it is only because I have a rewarding and healthy personal social life that I have absolutely NO desire to do what Whispers does. In fact I would be greatly concerned about myself if I felt the need to join the Whispers train as a social outlet.

Unlike you I prefer to keep my personal life separate from the hobby world and have absolutely no desire to spend what little down time I can muster hanging out with a bunch of fellow hobbyists and a couple of girls. That does not make me anti-social. It just means I have a full life and did not come to Eccie because I need acquaintances to hang out with non BCD.

Like you I too get laid regularly (Benefit of having a GF) and hang out with non-hobby friends but no thanks on the karaoke. The difference between us is I don't feel an overwhelming need to subject everyone on the board with what I am doing day to day. Nor would I expect ANYONE to be remotely interested (Hint).

In true Whispers form I fully expect the line by line sarcastic clever retorts soon to follow. By the way that is also Very Old.
nuglet's Avatar
Yep- same whiners =Whispers just uses this site as his own FaceBook. Like we care.
Hmmm ..The difference is I don't personally feel a need to share what I am doing day to day with the board. Originally Posted by Codybeast
You mean this is not FaceBook?

I agree that ECCIE is sort of getting old for me, but I personally don't think it has anything to do with the members that are presently posting the most in Austin, that's me included. It's the fact that I have found over the last several years that the game can at times get you in a rut .. as to speak of. When it happens with me personally, I step away for several months, the last time for years. Mainly from the board, what has kept me here for the last year or so .. is coming in contact and meeting a few of the newer generation of gamers. Many of those guys I can say are now really friends, not just here on the board but otherwise.

What most of us here really like is variety, and once the variety of the board becomes the norm, the excitement sometimes drops off. The main problem for me personally is the board becomes addictive, and it really draws you in at times. Several months back I told several guys that I was going to part directions from the board, most of those guys understood but mentioned that I should stay, even thou all of them know that I don't contribute via reviews.

For the most part I have found ECCIE to be hell allot better than ASPD, but I know that is not the case for everyone. Things change, the board has change and I have changed, it's just the natural course.....and with that change sometimes it's time for a person to step away....
Whispers's Avatar
Sheesh... Cody...

I was comment that taking some time away from the board can be good....

There are 43 threads on the first 2 pages and I really only have much to say in 7 of them.....

Some of ya'll are SOOOOO long winded... and some of ya quit fixating on me.... In 10 years I've never given a damn what any of ya think... nothing is gonna change this year.... so ignore me or cry... I could care less....
coyote1's Avatar
I think there are a lot of new girls coming and going, touring and coming back 2 the hobby. Isn't everything else just extra, aren't all us guys at the end of the day just her for the PLEASURE and COMPANIONSHIP of the Ladies. I enjoy the entertainment of it all but I'm here for fun and that's what I get from the Ladies. Just my opinion, take it of leave, but have fun.
Sheesh... Cody...

I was comment that taking some time away from the board can be good....

There are 43 threads on the first 2 pages and I really only have much to say in 7 of them.....

Some of ya'll are SOOOOO long winded... and some of ya quit fixating on me.... In 10 years I've never given a damn what any of ya think... nothing is gonna change this year.... so ignore me or cry... I could care less.... Originally Posted by Whispers
If I misinterpreted your post, my apologies. I think it is conditioning based upon reading too many past threads where similar input was not so innocent so I made an assumption. My bad. Thus proof that I am probably more than ready to take a break.
sixxbach's Avatar
Most interesting thing occurred today. I logged on and as I started reading more posts by the same small group of players that have remained or should I say survived the past few months I suddenly had this realization that I could not really think of a single reason to be logged on.

There has been no new blood forever it seems and the numbers have dwindled dramatically to just a small group.
Perhaps it's timing, maybe I'm growing up or maybe there aren't enough fresh posts from a large enough variety of personalities to keep it interesting.

Don't take this the wrong way because I think the vast majority of you guys have been great but it feels like going to a coffee shop every morning with the same small group of people sitting at a table trying to come up with a fresh take on an old past topic of conversation. As nice as everyone is after awhile it just gets old. I realize it is quite possible that the board is no different than it has ever been but my perception simply may have changed.

Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me? Originally Posted by Codybeast

New blood is always a good thing on any board. There are some new faces on the board and provider participation is actually on the rise. I counted 20 out of 40 threads in the first two pages of co-ed belonging to female posters. That's a big improvement IMO. In the end, its up to the individual to contribute how they see fit. They are more than welcome to and encouraged. Others have tipped their toes into the ECCIE pool, others should too....

snoopdogg's Avatar
Eccie is a good place to find reviews....
i think that's its best feature....
I gotta strongly agree with you about the Small group...the community here isnt too welcoming...unless you ABSOLUTELY AGREE with the MINORITY
you can try to speak out against them but then of course it just feeds into their desire to just create endless vanity posts...(which of course will happen after this posting)..
Eccie is a good resource...and shouldnt be one man's personal diary/blog/social life, but that's what it's turning into...

Most interesting thing occurred today. I logged on and as I started reading more posts by the same small group of players that have remained or should I say survived the past few months I suddenly had this realization that I could not really think of a single reason to be logged on.

There has been no new blood forever it seems and the numbers have dwindled dramatically to just a small group.
Perhaps it's timing, maybe I'm growing up or maybe there aren't enough fresh posts from a large enough variety of personalities to keep it interesting.

Don't take this the wrong way because I think the vast majority of you guys have been great but it feels like going to a coffee shop every morning with the same small group of people sitting at a table trying to come up with a fresh take on an old past topic of conversation. As nice as everyone is after awhile it just gets old. I realize it is quite possible that the board is no different than it has ever been but my perception simply may have changed.

Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me? Originally Posted by Codybeast
Unlike you I prefer to keep my personal life separate from the hobby world and have absolutely no desire to spend what little down time I can muster hanging out with a bunch of fellow hobbyists and a couple of girls. That does not make me anti-social. It just means I have a full life and did not come to Eccie because I desperately need acquaintances to hang out with non BCD. Originally Posted by Codybeast
So do you assume then that hobbyists who make friends with other hobbyists/providers on the board and/or decide to hang out with them do so because they have no life and are desperately in need of acquaintances to hang out with? That just seems a bit narrow-minded to me.

I guess I don't really understand the concept of keeping hobby life separate from personal life. I mean, if you got together with a bunch of guys on the weekend to play softball (or whatever) and they invited you out for a beer afterward, would you decline simply because you have friends outside of that little group?
So do you assume then that hobbyists who make friends with other hobbyists/providers on the board and/or decide to hang out with them do so because they have no life and are desperately in need of acquaintances to hang out with? That just seems a bit narrow-minded to me.

I guess I don't really understand the concept of keeping hobby life separate from personal life. I mean, if you got together with a bunch of guys on the weekend to play softball (or whatever) and they invited you out for a beer afterward, would you decline simply because you have friends outside of that little group? Originally Posted by WorknMan
My use of the term "desperately in need of acquaintances" had more to do with being wrongly under the impression that my post was categorized as whining and the solution was to get out and hang with hobbyists. I am the first to admit I misinterpreted Whisper's meaning based upon other threads and I over-responded a wee bit.

Certainly no offense intended toward those who do and perhaps it's my hang up but I really don't perceive the energy surrounding hobby-land (You know where we use alias's and keep one eye out for LE) to be a fair comparison to a bunch of real world softball buddies.

Dipping my toes in this risky environment on occasion for fun, excitement and beautiful young tail is a whole lot different than bringing the energy into my personal day to day social life. I don't particular care to have twenty guys in Austin recognizing me on the street as Codybeast on Eccie especially in my sensitive business.
It's taking unnecessary risk without any reward. Yes we're all in the same boat but why increase exposure just for the hell of it? One fact of life is "Shit happens".
That's just me. I certainly don't expect anyone else to feel the same as I do nor be offended by my feeling as I do.