A hypothetical: What would you do?

Samhyde's Avatar
Let's say your best friend invites you to dinner so he can introduce you to his fiance.

When you get there, you realize she's a provider (or she used to be anyway) and you've seen her on multiple occasions.

Do you say anything?

And ladies, so you can participate too, let's just say your friend is a guy (that is NOT a client), and the same thing happens to you. (Except for the part about seeing the provider multiple times. Lol. You just know her because you're both in the business.)
PeterBota's Avatar
Tell him.
  • dgc92
  • 12-12-2018, 10:09 AM
My best friend? Yeah, tell him. Less important friends, it'd depend on how much I like them vs how much I like the provider.

Also, my best friend, when I have one, is usually female. So in reality, mostly I'd be distracted by "holy shit, can I watch?"
  • grean
  • 12-12-2018, 10:19 AM

Outing is a taboo here.

Do you have any idea how much info she could reveal to people about you?

I'd keep quiet.
Freakaholic's Avatar
Nobody likes a snitch...my philosophy is if it was meant for him to know, he does already or will eventually...

Kinda like cheating, I would be super pissed if a friend told me my SO was cheating, because you are fucking with my happiness and INTENTIONALLY telling me something you know I won't like, and that's selfish as fuck imo

Ignorance is bliss
Definitely wouldn’t say anything....if she’s no longer a provider and wants to move on from it and has a real world relationship it’s definitely not appropriate imo to say anything ..it’s her past let her tell it
Samhyde's Avatar
Definitely wouldn’t say anything....if she’s no longer a provider and wants to move on from it and has a real world relationship it’s definitely not appropriate imo to say anything ..it’s her past let her tell it Originally Posted by Analeese
I was originally thinking "No" because who needs that sort of drama in their life. Also, you'd be outing yourself in the process.

But I like your view better. I'll go with that. lol
TheOracle's Avatar
Keyword: best

If we're talking about one of my BEST friends I would absolutely tell him, b/c I would want him to tell me if the roles were reversed, especially if it's a girl I had sex with. He probably would be more upset if he found out later and that I knew the whole time and didn't give him a heads up that he was literally marrying a ho. None of my REAL friends and I would ever fall out over telling the truth. We are like brothers.

And I wouldn't be concerned about "outing" myself b/c my REAL/BEST friends either already know or wouldn't give a shit.

Definitely wouldn’t say anything....if she’s no longer a provider and wants to move on from it and has a real world relationship it’s definitely not appropriate imo to say anything ..it’s her past let her tell it Originally Posted by Analeese
Lmao. I'll take "Things a provider would say" for $1000 Alex!
It isn't your story to tell.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
NO... Not up to me to tell ..
My guess he knows any ways
if he's going to be her SO for life .
That scenario kind of played out on an old One Day at a Time episode. (Yes, not only am I admitting that I watched that show, but that I actually remember some episodes. I blame a crush on Valerie B.)

Too much time wasted in front of the TV. http://www.tv.com/shows/one-day-at-a...-a-past-26913/
pmdelites's Avatar
how recently was she a provider?
if like in the last month, i'd tell him, esp if we're really good buds (like TheOracle posted)

if it was years ago, i'd ask around the edges to see if he knows.
maybe she's left that lifestyle and wanna to go straight.

why tell him? cos if he doesnt have any inkling that she was a prostitute/provider/escort/stripper/sexWorker, i'm pretty sure it might upset him in some way when he finds out. and esp if they get divorced and she gets 1/2 of the assets he accumulated since marriage.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent.
Keyword: best

If we're talking about one of my BEST friends I would absolutely tell him, b/c I would want him to tell me if the roles were reversed, especially if it's a girl I had sex with. He probably would be more upset if he found out later and that I knew the whole time and didn't give him a heads up that he was literally marrying a ho. None of my REAL friends and I would ever fall out over telling the truth. We are like brothers.

And I wouldn't be concerned about "outing" myself b/c my REAL/BEST friends either already know or wouldn't give a shit.

Lmao. I'll take "Things a provider would say" for $1000 Alex! Originally Posted by TheOracle
So you think a “ho” will always be a “ho” then? That’s kind of what I’m gathering from your point of view. Please correct me if I’m wrong though.

Just curious ...
  • dgc92
  • 12-12-2018, 05:49 PM
So you think a “ho” will always be a “ho” then? That’s kind of what I’m gathering from your point of view. Please correct me if I’m wrong though.

Just curious ... Originally Posted by Analeese
Well, you're a provider. And what he quoted was a thing you said. So he's technically right, that's something a provider would say.

But if he's also saying a ho will always be a ho.... It's probably not true, but I don't think anyone here is in a position to dispute it.