Farmers revolting around the Netherlands as Government plan to cut nitrogen.

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Another example of what happens when you let deranged climate change loons kill your economy like Senile Biden is in the US

The Dutch gov't told farmers that their farms will be closed down to meet some climate change target for nitrogen. Dutch farmers export a lot of meat & other foods. Seems we're supposed to starve to meet some climate change target. Meanwhile, the farmers (Boer) are fighting back. The Netherlands is the largest exporter of meat. Chickens, cattle, pigs. The new rules will bankrupt many.

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Both Sri Lanka & Netherlands are test cases

“The reduction targets could radically alter the Netherlands’ lucrative agriculture sector, which is known for intensive farming, and may also foreshadow similar reforms in other European nations whose farmers also pump out pollutants”

Many readers will assume that fertilizer use in Netherlands must be totally out-of-control for government to crack down. In reality, fertilizer use hasn’t increased since the 60s even as yields have doubled. In other words, Netherlands is a massive farming *success,* not failure

Same story in Sri Lanka, before it banned fertilizer.

“Farmers have been protesting for years against the government’s nitrogen policies, but the emissions targets unleashed new demonstrations, with tractors clogging highways and supermarket distribution centers that led briefly to some shortages of produce”

What’s happening in Netherlands and Sri Lanka is just the beginning of growing popular backlash against globalizing green elites.

There will be much more of this to come. Hopefully in the USA come November pushing the crazy libtards destroying our country out of office

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Anger simmers for Dutch farmers who oppose pollution cuts

MAASLAND, Netherlands (AP) — Bales of hay lie burning along Dutch highways. Supermarket shelves stand empty because distribution centers are blocked by farmers. Then, at dusk, a police officer pulls his pistol and shoots at a tractor.

Dutch farmers are embroiled in a summer of discontent that shows no sign of abating. Their target? Government plans to rein in emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia that they say threatens to wreck their agricultural way of life and put them out of business.

The reduction targets could radically alter the Netherlands’ lucrative agriculture sector, which is known for its intensive farming, and may also foreshadow similar reforms — and protests — in other European nations whose farmers also pump out pollutants.
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The woke idiots who worship at the climate change altar want to starve people and send food prices even higher

Climate Mandates Imposed On Dutch Farmers Will Ruin Their Livelihoods: War Correspondent

The livelihoods of Dutch farmers are under attack due to the Dutch government’s proposed nitrogen policy, which could necessitate the mass slaughter of livestock and potentially shut down almost a third of the country’s farms.

this policy is implemented, it will have “major security consequences, not just for the Netherlands, but for all of Europe and the world,” said Michael Yon, a war correspondent who has recently arrived in the Netherlands to report on the ground from the Dutch farmers’ protests.

The Netherlands is a small country in Europe with a population of 17 million people, but it is the second-largest food exporter in the world, Yon said in a recent interview for EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program. “They have the most efficient farmers in the world.”

In 2021, the Netherlands’s coalition government proposed slashing livestock numbers in the country by 30 percent to meet nitrogen greenhouse gas emission targets.

The country has already implemented stringent restrictions on new construction, intending to curb nitrogen emissions.

Dutch bank Rabobank has argued that those new hurdles have slowed home building in the Netherlands, intensifying a housing shortage in the densely populated coastal nation.

On June 10, Christianne van der Wal, the Dutch Minister for Nitrogen and Nature Policy, unveiled a plan to reduce nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands, according to a statement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

“The Dutch Provinces are responsible for developing corresponding measures to reach the nitrogen emission reductions between 12 and 70 percent, depending on the area,” the statement said.

“Farmers in some provinces will be particularly hard hit … and the Dutch government acknowledged ‘there is not a future for all {Dutch} farmers within [this] approach.'”

The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce says that nitrogen environmental pollution comes from burning fossil fuels but also from manure produced by livestock and fertilizers used in farming. It is estimated that to implement the proposed plan, farmers would need to reduce their cattle herds by 30 percent, according to Barron’s.

But Yon said Dutch farmers are not polluting the environment and that they’ve been farming the land for thousands of years.

Nitrogen is being labeled as a pollutant and used as a decoy by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to put the farmers out of business and control the food supply, Yon said.