What is the Attraction...

billw1032's Avatar
Just wondering, what is the attraction to the thread Music "six-degrees of separation"? I can't imagine how long it would take to read through this thread. It's been at the top of the Sandbox for more than a year now. Obviously a lot of people enjoy this topic, but I can't figure out why. I'd really like to understand, what is the fascination for those who enjoy posting to it?
cookie man's Avatar
I am one of the contributors to the thread, and I can give you my reasons.

I enjoy music...but hell most of the good songs have been used and a lot of the posts don't use a lot of "six degree" creativity. Still I've learned some interesting music trivia.

Davo posts a hot chick with each one of his posts.

The primary reason I post is out of respect for PT. I hope I'm not out of line for revealing this but PT, the OP, is going through some really tough times. In a small symbolic way this thread is a tribute to him and his courage.