Provders-Medical Tests

How ofter do providers get tested? I have noticed alot of hobbist partaking in DADY, you guys are not worried about catching a STD or HIV?
I have never understood daty....during a I am just lazy and don't wanna do anything that look like work...during a date....I even boycott the lady of the house from time to time
  • XXXX
  • 05-13-2010, 09:25 PM
Chances are, most providers on this website cannot show a valid HIV test, i have found most, do not even know what one looks like. Its a risk issue, many ladies involved in this business are natural born risk takers, by taking a test, they may have to wake up to reality. HIV is not as prevelent in the sport as other things such as HPV and HEP, while The clap is still the most prevelant although there is a cure. The answer this question will get from most providers is "oh yea i get tested every month" and that is complete BS, as it takes 6wks or longer just to get results.
  • MrGiz
  • 05-13-2010, 10:44 PM
Is there any empirical evidence which shows men of the hobby are any "cleaner" than the providers?

While XXXX's comments aren't entirely faulty.... I'd be willing to bet more testing is taking place on the provider side of the fence, than the one the dawgs are on!

Outdoorsman's Avatar
I do not take tests as I never was any good at taking written tests, I am very good with oral tests though!!
Chances are, most providers on this website cannot show a valid HIV test, i have found most, do not even know what one looks like. Its a risk issue, many ladies involved in this business are natural born risk takers, by taking a test, they may have to wake up to reality. HIV is not as prevelent in the sport as other things such as HPV and HEP, while The clap is still the most prevelant although there is a cure. The answer this question will get from most providers is "oh yea i get tested every month" and that is complete BS, as it takes 6wks or longer just to get results. Originally Posted by XXXX
Disagree. I am well aware of the time frames covered in my tests. And well aware that the tests are not completely current. Every month I am testing anywhere from right now to two years or more back.

For the record, my personal experience has been that providers as a whole are much more "well groomed and much cleaner" than the average non-provider. It's our job to be so, after all.

MOST don't test every 30 but at the least every 90. And test results do come back much quicker - you just have to pay for that. ALL my results come back in 7 working days - and I test for all communicables including not just ST's. It's for nobody but me and my peace of mind.
XXXX, I'm more worried about the girl's that work for a pimp. it's well known fact that they the pimps don't use protection and go bareback on their girls. For example santa has one of his girls prego right now according to his old posts about getting married and retiring cause she was expecting. You catch SDT's and get prego going BB.
I agree with Giz more ladies get tested than Dawgs if ever.
Babbe. It was pleasure meeting you last night.
  • XXXX
  • 05-14-2010, 01:30 PM
XXXX, I'm more worried about the girl's that work for a pimp. it's well known fact that they the pimps don't use protection and go bareback on their girls. For example santa has one of his girls prego right now according to his old posts about getting married and retiring cause she was expecting. You catch SDT's and get prego going BB.
I agree with Giz more ladies get tested than Dawgs if ever.
Babbe. It was pleasure meeting you last night. Originally Posted by rpmsouth
Thats a very good point, with pimps, husbands, boyfriends, and even wild drunken nights out, the std problem looms. However you would have to be looking for that rare occurance of a provider without a boyfriend or private life, thats just not going to happen, no matter what they tell you. As for Santa, I had heard from another member here, that the said provider had retired before he became involved because the hypocrit doesn't date providers then again, its always heresay about that guy, as it stands, nobody has ever been able to tell me they met the chap or that he is even real. The FDA says that of the 2million people infected with HIV, more than half are unaware of it.

Heres the biggest point.. Do you honestly think if a provider tests positive shes going to quit the business? No way jose, They would figure at that point, what does it matter at least staying in the business they can afford the AZT and other drugs needed. So they can test all they wish, but not a single one is going to quit nor admit they are infected with an std. So the testing point is a mute one anyway.
TrainWreck's Avatar
Everybody wants to believe in SANTA, but THETRUTH is, that even if you are the BIGCHIEF and make sure you have all your medical stuff up to date, nobody wants their WANG to have any kind of problem. So I have to agree with you XXXX. Maybe we all should be more aware of our medical situations to be on the safe side.
What about DATY, you dawgs feel comfortable performing DATY. What are your thoughts, what can a DAWG catch from DATY, is is easy to catch something from DATY, if so what.
Good one, TrainWreck.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Unless the lady shows you a "certified" STD test AND photo ID with her name on it, how would you know the test is for HER anyway?

How hard would it be for an infected lady to get an uninfected lady to go and take the test for her?
Gneissguy, You could see a lady that had the test results from a few days ago and she could still be infected with something you could catch. You have a better chance of getting sick from going to the hospital for a simple operation, or even visiting a friend.

Trainwreck: way to tell THE TRUTH.
  • MrGiz
  • 05-14-2010, 09:12 PM
Snapper.... sounds like you're terrified!! If so.... it's best to stay home!!

Check out

Insertive oral sex without a condom has a low risk for HIV transmission (about 1 in 4,000) and in each of these cases the transmission actually occurred as a direct result of open sores and cuts on either the penis or the mouth of one of the partners. It should also be noted that in each of these cases other unprotected sexual activity was conducted. There are no known cases of HIV as the result of strictly orogenital contact. While some studies have shown a very low level of infected cells can be present in both semen and pre-ejaculate fluid, the virus does not live long outside the body and saliva has indeed shown the ability to inhibit if not kill the virus. Saliva that does not contain blood presents no potential for transmission, as research has shown that an enzyme in saliva inhibits HIV. In general, the mouth and throat are well defended against HIV: the oral mucosal lining contains few of the cells that are the most susceptible to HIV.28 Other research notes that saliva contains several HIV inhibitors, such as peroxidases and thrombospondin-1, and that the hypotonicity of saliva disrupts the transmission of infected leukocytes (white blood cells).

Recent studies indicate that the population-attributable risk percentage (PAR%) for HIV prevalence associated with fellatio while using a condom is 0.18% and without a condom 0.14% if that is the only sexual activity that is unprotected.


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Incorporating HIV Prevention into the Medical Care of Persons Living with HIV:
Recommendations of CDC, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the HIV
Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. MMWR 2003;52(RR-12):1–24.
2. Varghese B, Maher JE, Peterman TA, Branson, BM, Steketee RW. Reducing the risk of sexual HIV transmission: quantifying the
per-act risk for HIV infection based on choice of partner, sex act, and condom use. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2002;29:38–43.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HIV/AIDS Questions and Answers. Available at:
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HIV testing among pregnant women—United States and Canada, 1998-2001.
MMWR 2002;51(45):1013–1016.
5. Dorenbaum A, Cunningham CK, Gelber RD, et al. Two-dose intrapartum/newborn nevirapine and standard antiretroviral
therapy to reduce perinatal HIV transmission: a randomized trial. Journal of the American Medical Association 2002;288:189–198.
6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Is there a connection between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases? Available at

BTW.... Both Male and Female saliva work quite similarly.
afterdarkescorts's Avatar
These are all good points but there are some risk takers out here and the problem should be exposed for us all and here it is You cannot post things revealing personal info on here.....I have edited your signature line to remove your website and until you remove that material revealing personal info from your homepage, you will not be allowed to post your URL on here.....BIG C Be careful out here gentlemen