The Pope has his "Wag The Dog" moment.

I guess the Pope's handlers saw the movie Wag The Dog. Remember when they totally orchestrated a scene with the little girl handing the President that phony "harvest offering" at the airport to help turn the news cycle away from his getting a blowjob from a (forbidden topic).

She just happened to get by all of the security. And just happened to have a note that was obviously written by an adult, probably a DNC official.

I'm calling Bullshit. What's next. "Hey Pope, please save us from evil SUV's destroying the ozone"......Hey Pope, my Big brother wants you to say being gay is OK"......."Hey Pope, my sister is knocked up, say it's ok to have an abortion"........"Hey Pope, tell that mean ole Church to sanction Gay Marriage"......"Hey Pope, my mommy wants a divorce. Say it's ok"....."Hey Pope, tell that mean ole FBI to leave the most wonderful woman on the world alone".......Hey Pope, instruct every good Catholic to vote Democrat"......"Hey Pope, tell that mean ole Congress to pass the $15 an hour minimum wage".

Do they really think we are this stupid?

Apparently so.
I used to think you were one of the more level-headed guys here. You're quickly approaching mojo territory.
The Pope is a good man trying to convince, and lead, others to do good. I disagree with a lot of Catholic doctrine but it's hard to argue that world wouldn't be a better place if we all took at least some of his advice.

I guess he ran afoul of the whacks when he dared to agree with 97% of the worlds climate scientists about global warming, right? Ever since then, he's been fair game for the conservabots.
As for what people believe and how stupid they are or might be....apparently a significant number of republicans are prepared to put Donald Trump's hands on nuclear launch codes as POTUS. So, I guess the answer is....incredibly fucking stupid?
I used to think you were one of the more level-headed guys here. You're quickly approaching mojo territory. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yeah, I agree with a lot of what Jackie posts but some of it is whack. The irrational venomous hatred of HRC comes to mind.

What is ironic about that is the continued, and true, assertions Jackie makes regarding what a liar HRC is....and then his heroine Fiorina comes up with that whopper of a bald-faced lie about the Planned P-Hood videos during the debate. An absolute misrepresentation, that she has doubled down on since the debate. Pandering to the evangelical loons and proving once again that they all lie.
The Pope is a good man trying to convince, and lead, others to do good. I disagree with a lot of Catholic doctrine but it's hard to argue that world wouldn't be a better place if we all took at least some of his advice.

I guess he ran afoul of the whacks when he dared to agree with 97% of the worlds climate scientists about global warming, right? Ever since then, he's been fair game for the conservabots. Originally Posted by timpage
On analysts, the Pope is being about 50/50 on his castigating both the Left and the Right on the errors of their ways.

Yes, the examples I use seem to be over the top.
But, mark my word, all you will hear about in the the Major News Outlets and from The Obama Administration are those that positive toward the Socialist/Progressive/Democrat agenda.

Hence my statement that he is The Useful Idiot.

Why didn't he look straight into the camera and say......"America, whether you admit it or not, you are barbarians in the sense that you are using Abortion as just another form of Birth Controle".
I guess he ran afoul of the whacks when he dared to agree with 97% of the worlds climate scientists about global warming, right? Ever since then, he's been fair game for the conservabots. Originally Posted by timpage
Remember, it was changed from global warming to climate change because the globe wasn't getting any warmer, but the climate was always changing, long before planes, trains, and automobiles.
On analysts, the Pope is being about 50/50 on his castigating both the Left and the Right on the errors of their ways.

Yes, the examples I use seem to be over the top.
But, mark my word, all you will hear about in the the Major News Outlets and from The Obama Administration are those that positive toward the Socialist/Progressive/Democrat agenda.

Hence my statement that he is The Useful Idiot.

Why didn't he look straight into the camera and say......"America, whether you admit it or not, you are barbarians in the sense that you are using Abortion as just another form of Birth Controle". Originally Posted by Jackie S
I dunno....maybe because he knows you and yours will quack that out until the cows come home. It's just too bad that your concern for an unborn fetus doesn't extend to human beings already walking the planet.
LexusLover's Avatar
.....the globe wasn't getting any warmer, but the climate was always changing, long before planes, trains, and automobiles. Originally Posted by filbone
.. and Bos primingenious manure.

"Shortly before the "ice age" there was plenty of coprolite....put a chill in the air.
On analysts, the Pope is being about 50/50 on his castigating both the Left and the Right on the errors of their ways.

Yes, the examples I use seem to be over the top.
But, mark my word, all you will hear about in the the Major News Outlets and from The Obama Administration are those that positive toward the Socialist/Progressive/Democrat agenda.

Hence my statement that he is The Useful Idiot.

Why didn't he look straight into the camera and say......"America, whether you admit it or not, you are barbarians in the sense that you are using Abortion as just another form of Birth Controle". Originally Posted by Jackie S
And therein lies the rub with the right. They decry abortion, but they are vehemently against birth control. You don't get it both ways. There are plenty of options out there to avoid pregnancy.
I dunno....maybe because he knows you and yours will quack that out until the cows come home. It's just too bad that your concern for an unborn fetus doesn't extend to human beings already walking the planet. Originally Posted by timpage
And therein lies another problem with conservatives. They are all about the fetus, but have no compunction about cutting social programs that will feed and clothe those fetuses after birth. It's because their entire thinking is predicate on bullshit. Religion is at the heart of it.
RedLeg505's Avatar
but it's hard to argue that world wouldn't be a better place if we all took at least some of his advice. Originally Posted by timpage
So you think we should follow his advice on abortion, birth control and gay marriage?

Womby.. if "Religion is at the heart" of Conservatives problems.. why are the Liberals all going ga-ga over the Pope?
So you think we should follow his advice on abortion, birth control and gay marriage?

Womby.. if "Religion is at the heart" of Conservatives problems.. why are the Liberals all going ga-ga over the Pope? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Are you that fucking stupid? Surely you can't think that all religious people agree on everything, can you? The right isn't going ga-ga because he's much too socially liberal for them. The left is going ga-ga for that very reason.

The problem with religion and conservatives has nothing to do with the pope.
Remember, it was changed from global warming to climate change because the globe wasn't getting any warmer, but the climate was always changing, long before planes, trains, and automobiles. Originally Posted by filbone
And the same scam artist that changed that name and label for their cause are the same ones that brought us political correctness, and "changed" their "cause" to "progressive" from liberal ! They "rebranded " themselves after they saw how their BS wasn't playing to well when they were called out on their tax-and-spend profligate policies. They kept the same policies and lies to people, expecting that MORE of their Gruberites and Gloryhole Gurus would back their party. And it worked twice for odummer !
  • shanm
  • 09-24-2015, 09:23 PM
And the same scam artist that changed that name and label for their cause are the same ones that brought us political correctness, and "changed" their "cause" to "progressive" from liberal ! They "rebranded " themselves after they saw how their BS wasn't playing to well when they were called out on their tax-and-spend profligate policies. They kept the same policies and lies to people, expecting that MORE of their Gruberites and Gloryhole Gurus would back their party. And it worked twice for odummer ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Ahhhh always a pleasure when the intellectually enlightened have their say.

Reytard junior perfectly sums up how fucking stupid most on the right are.