Ed Klein documents the Hillary downfall.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Former New York Times magazine editor has written another inside the story book about Hillary Clinton and her war with the Obamas.

Among his many revelations:

Hillary demanded that Obama call off his F********dogs (the FBI) and Obama told her that she made her own bed.

That Michelle is central to the strategy meetings with Justice.

Hillary is taking blood thinners for a small blood clot episode last year but he makes her tired, dizzy, and unable to campaign. It also makes it likely that she cannot function as president.

Hillary is worried about the pedofile Epstein and Bill connection.

The Clintons and the Obamas are fighting for the soul of the democratic party (what I said a month ago).

Hillary is indictable and that is the game plan....or she drops out and goes away.

My goodness judy, you are in full cry over this.
My goodness judy, you are in full cry over this. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Just as JDIdiot was in full cry over his ridiculous 777 Conspiracy Theory.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A reveal-all book. Chock full of news and startling new revelations.

Did one of your "students" bring that in for show and tell?

Great job, JDrunk.

Wait a second. Is this ANOTHER Benghazi thread? Or just another table setter?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Its the Hillary supporters who are crying (I think that includes you)
Hillary downfall Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why don't we talk about the JDIdiot "downfall?"

Tell us more about the missing Malaysian Airlines 777.

JDIdiot, what are the coordinates of the remote island it is currently parked on?
Is this another Malaysian Airliness 777, Conspiracy Theory thread?
Is this another Malaysian Airliness 777, Conspiracy Theory thread? Originally Posted by bigtex
IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE DEFINITION OF "IS" IS !! :w oot_jump::woot_jump :
IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE DEFINITION OF "IS" IS !! :w oot_jump::woot_jump : Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
What is a woot jump...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What is a woot jump... Originally Posted by WombRaider
no one knows. that's the woomby facade isn't it?

That's interesting. I wonder if that's why she immediately went to work on her "Gun Control" Plan. Everyone has been squawking about comprehensive gun control. This shooting was Hillary's big break to be the first candidate to initiate gun control. Her plan includes closing the so-called Gun show loophole on private gun sales. If that's not enough she thinks allowing victims of gun violence to sue Weapon Manufacturers. Yeah Hillary this will keep gun violence to a minimum. It won't help her popularity either unless of course you're a gullible progressive liberal like her.
