Do you tell your provider you plan on writing a review before or after?

barnyardpimp's Avatar
I have always noticed that some people will immediately put up a review as it is happening and others never write reviews at all.

But when I worked in the restaurant business and we knew we had a secret shopper that could jeopardize future business, everyone stayed on point until they left.

Providers and Hobbyist ..does knowing or telling you're going to write a review about your encounter insure that providers are going to give excellent service?

Or do girls not familiar with the power of Eccie even care? I've seen a lot of new providers get a cold treatment based off their performance which in the long run hurts their pocketbooks and I've seen some girls give great treatment in exchange for writing a review.

Ultimately, I want to know should Hobbyist tell their providers based on there encounter my review could increase your potential or it could hurt you? and if so before or after the deed?
  • RoxyG
  • 11-30-2013, 09:33 PM
pcsurvivorcbj's Avatar
For those ladies openly in the business, after.
barnyardpimp's Avatar
But if the encounter wasn't good do you still say after? " Uhhh by the way I want to let you know this wasn't good and i will let hundreds know not to waste their time ."

I have had many bad providers and not said a word. But in the back of my head I'm thinking she just doesn't know you don't screw over a Eccie member.
If you tell her beforehand, do you think you will get better service? <~~~serious question. Curious.
barnyardpimp's Avatar
I would hope so if she cares about being part of a very supportive community. But hey I'm not selling eccie neither .
Most BP hos don't care about bring a part of your supportive community. So you think if you tell hos beforehand you will get better service? You would think so...
gearslut's Avatar
I don't say anything one way or the other about it. Do your homework before going in and it shouldn't be an issue. It would be after for sure.
missconstanceflow's Avatar
I thinkit should be after
tbone77494's Avatar
If the session was good I usually ask if they would like me to write one. Most reply it is up to me.if the session is not so good, I don't say anything. Either way, always after unless it is the occasional review special.
Wakeup's Avatar
oilfieldscum's Avatar
The fee for the session is hers to do with what as she wants. Whether I write a review or not and how or what is in it is my decision.
You all are right it is best to get a review after then before I mean why would someone want to write a review before anything started what if they give you bad service
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Wait... What?!

Did you read the 1st post
RoDunn's Avatar
I don't discuss reviews with providers before or after the session unless they bring it up. Usually they don't bring it up and if they do, it is only to ask if I will do one. So it is about a 15 second conversation.