Honest Apologies to Mtnliving

Loki Pk's Avatar
After a great deal of drama and diligence I think we can all put the Mtnliving/Treebark drama to rest. I, for one, am satisfied they are 2 different guys.
Therefore I tender my sincere apologies for all the bullshit, mudslinging, toothpulling and drama related to his mistaken identity. I was wrong and I am sorry.

This doesn't mean we're gonna be swappin' spit in the shower... I'm still the same asshole prick I always am and probably always will be....

iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 12-02-2015, 04:58 PM
[QUOTE= I'm still the same asshole prick I always am and probably always will be....


Loki Truer words have never been spoken LMAO !!


Oh gosh guys we are all a bunch of u know what's anyway - thanks and let the lust begin
Obtw smooches to you PK don't bend over in the shower you stud lol!!!!
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 12-03-2015, 05:28 AM
Mtn stop trying to act like a nice guy , U know U R not, as well as most of us also know of your behavior.

57fubar's Avatar
.....all that peace and love that was building up, just iggied its way out the door.........normal is good however.
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
Two different guys screwed by the same prospectors shovel. ⛏$$$
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 12-05-2015, 01:04 PM
What shovel would that be ????

Mtn has shared what he claims happened.

Would You care to share ?

The poor bastard on the Birth certificate is gonna get screwed for years to come.
