Just rewrote this to make it a lot lot shorter.
I was wondering how many providers actually do any sort of market analysis to work out their pricing verse how many base it off of what they feel they are worth.
The reason I ask it seem for most not all little rhyme or reason is put into their pricing. That is from primarily dealing with women I know, met and looking on the post on BP and CL.
If you look at over all market changes in the last year it tends to support that. From what I calculated their is about 4 times more women escorts to as of 2 months ago than was on January last year. You also have clients with less money. That is a double market hit. More competition and less money to be divided. On average the prices don't seem to have reflected it.
What does reflect it is the number of Girls I see out there that get to the end of the month and need to make the ends meet are dam near willing to sell there sole.
I seen some seriously hot women over the last while that also are way underpricing themselves. I can list reasons such as new, unsure, low self esteem... number one at present desperate for money.
A lot of women are doing stuff they wouldn't normally do because they have been put in the bad spot.
Before this gets as long as my first write I will end here.
I do know a number of women who do some serious real world math to come up with pricing. But the fact is most don't that I know. Most who have esteem issues already really hurt themselves by pricing off of feeling rather than even the least data analysis. Some fear raising their prices they won't get any calls. They end up pricing themselves so low guys think they are frauds... Of course I seen the opposite as well were there is someone who is to into herself for her own good and thinks standing in the room with you is going to cut it when she physically isn't but a high 4 out of a 10 scale in looks.
The old rule guys tend to follow TGTBT. If it seems it is they believe it is. I tend to like breaking rules and finding out if a person is really who they really are.
As for reasons why I see so many women that don't use a sound basis for their pricing. Well you can probably point at a number of reasons. Such as self esteem to high or to low. How they were treated, previous monetary experience, age, education and lack their of...
I know of one who has for a long time priced herself low enough for a long enough time she is hard pressed to raise the prices. The fact is she is better looking and far better of a companion than a number of women asking 2 time to 3 times what she does they are the same ethnic origin. My advice to anyone in that spot is take a lesson from the gas companies. Slowly bring your prices up get them used to paying more then inch up again. 5 dollars each week or so till your calls start to drop. Then site there for a bit and let them get used to that rate for a while then 2 weeks later go up 5 dollars.
To restate what I said: To me it appears most not all women tend to not use sound basis for their pricing. Yes, I am going out on a limb and I know it probably won't be taken popularly what I just said. But, I'm not about to sugar coat what I said when the data tends to back it up. Here is a fact some women have the luxury of making most their money off a few sales most rely on a higher volume.
PS as to what I feel what a woman is worth. You can't put a price on the person.
Edited to make sure no one else mis-interprets what I am saying.