The inept command under the PISSANT ADMITS they KILLED INOCENT people in drone strike...Ol'roy boy

Ol'roy boy you wanted to wait for the they are!! YOU STRIKE OUT AGAIN!! WHAT ELSE IS NEW??

Ted Cruz Has a Question on the Droning of an Afghan Aid Worker That Must Be Answered
By streiff | Sep 17, 2021 9:30 PM ET

A little earlier today, CENTCOM Commander USMC General Kenneth McKenzie was sent out to admit what has been generally known since August 29. That is, the drone strike that we were told killed “several” suicide bombers heading to attack US and allied forces at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport, in fact, killed innocent Afghans, including several children.

While General McKenzie was manning up and taking a hit for the team, Joey Soft Serve was on his way to “the beach.” When the going gets tough, the tough get going, and no one gets going faster than the guy who put Corn Pop in his place.

I’ve posted twice on this incident (see That’ll Teach ‘Em. US Drone Strike Targeting Suicide Bombers in Kabul Kills Family of Nine Including Four Kids Under Age Five and The ‘Suicide Bomber’ Killed by a Drone in Kabul Was an Aid Worker and the Biden White House Is Trying to Shift Blame).

My personal assessment of what happened there is pretty much the same as that of Glenn Greenwald (I had to shower after writing that).

And the mainstream media fell over itself, lapping up the White House spin.

In addition to the immense political pressure to settle scores with ISIS-K (to the extent that this group actually operates in Kabul), the US military was faced with the daunting task of defending a fixed point, having given up all of the surrounding territory. This eliminated a buffer zone where incoming people and vehicles could be stopped. It removed areas where threats could be engaged without endangering innocent civilians. Most of all, we gave up the ability to put human eyes on potential targets. So the question arises, how did we target the aid worker and his family? I address this in That’ll Teach ‘Em. US Drone Strike Targeting Suicide Bombers in Kabul Kills Family of Nine Including Four Kids Under Age Five

This also struck me as strange as it provides more detail than the US military has released.

Is the spokesman regurgitating what someone in the US contingent in Kabul told him? Or is he tacitly acknowledging that the US was acting on Taliban supplied targeting information?

It seems almost certain that the Taliban fingered the dead man as a threat. From that point forward, US commanders were leaning forward to kill the threat before it attacked US forces, and all analysis focused on verifying that the man identified by our “security partner,” the Taliban, was an imminent threat. Water containers became explosives. Routine telephone calls became part of a plot. Travel to deliver aid became visits to ISIS-K hideouts.

We may be about to get some answers to that question.

The entire Afghan debacle cries out for Senate hearings. A key issue that must be examined is what kind of a deal was cut with the Taliban to provide security for US forces. The role the Taliban played in the bombing that killed thirteen Americans needs to be explored. The role the Taliban played in fingering an innocent man for death also demands answers.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
But Ted Cruz is against investigating January sixth? Because he was involved in the death of Democracy. Such righteous indignation.

You think our country's so innocent?

Politics is sick sometimes.

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Roy's going to say that it's collateral damage in an otherwise successful exit. Or redirect to something bad Trump did.

It's a pretty huge fuck up and really highlights our government's immense failures in dealing with the war against terror. This is not only shameful for Joe Biden, but it is shameful for our whole country and all of us as Americans.
I'm not losing any sleep over it...
What do you call it when you kill people to cover your political ass?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
What do you call it when you kill people to cover your political ass?

Murder? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Old joke.

Answer: Bad Intelligence

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
So, this gets a pass why?

Our intelligence seems to be total shit.

No one cares?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So, this gets a pass why?

Our intelligence seems to be total shit.

No one cares? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
No one.
Do you really give a fuck? It’s war people die? No one is innocent in war. Is this cry me a River for Afghanistan?
Do you really give a fuck? It’s war people die? No one is innocent in war. Is this cry me a River for Afghanistan? Originally Posted by nigsub
These fucks don't give a shit except for the fact they can bash biden for it. If trump moabed 1/2 a fucking city they would cheer him on fuck those people...
But Ted Cruz is against investigating January sixth? Because he was involved in the death of Democracy. Such righteous indignation. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
WTF does that have to do with the topic of this thread...
Sober up and read the thread again...
Why don't you tell us more about that investigation...that is when you sober up
I'm not losing any sleep over it... Originally Posted by royamcr
Another case of you sticking your WHOLE leg in your mouth...keep the horseshit coming Ol'roy boy...
Do you really give a fuck? It’s war people die? No one is innocent in war. Is this cry me a River for Afghanistan? Originally Posted by nigsub
Are you Ol'roy boy's twin??
These fucks don't give a shit except for the fact they can bash biden for it. If trump moabed 1/2 a fucking city they would cheer him on fuck those people... Originally Posted by royamcr
The PISSANT services up a SHIT LOAD of low hanging fruit!!
Still waiting on those successes of the PISSANT...
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar