What is this feeling?

If a guy has a really nice experience with a provider but can't stop thinking about it or her and it kind of feels like a "crush;" is this a thing that happens sometimes, or only to week minded guys?

Dunno, maybe it would be better to start drinking again?
London Rayne's Avatar
WTF...you got it bad dude! Don't start drinking, just screw someone else 10 years younger and 10 times hotter. That should do it lol.
WTF...you got it bad dude! Don't start drinking, just screw someone else 10 years younger and 10 times hotter. That should do it lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Ten years younger would land me in jail. In prison there is no booze or lube: ouch!

But just wondering if the Crush is a thing that happens?

My belly cant take the booze anymore anyway. Twent-one years of it and the tummy said no more.
anaximander's Avatar
Love as we know it is largely an emotional
response to a cascade of hormones that
are intended to stimulate affection for
your partner. This is largely for child
bearing/careing purposes.

I believe you meant weak minded.
Week mind almost makes no sense.

Whether the girls know it or not.
When you grind your pubic area
against hers there is a hormone exchange.
Condoms don't cover the scent glands.
The more you grind with her-
her hormones will alter their mix
to complement yours. The purpose
is to have you wanting to mate
more often to increase odds of

Since working girls do what they do
their scent is often noninitialized
neutral basically. I said often
not always. This is chemical soup,
mixing perfumes doesn't end well.
If a girl is already initialized to
a male that is totally different
biochemically from you. And
her musk compliment conflicts
with your musk signature....it sucks.
Its happened once to me and
it was bizzare to say the least.

I wouldn't let it bug ya bro it's normal.
I love Marilyn to death.
I love Beckey most dearly.
I love Jessica that bipolar nut
I love Anastasia- liberal kook she is

They don't love back?
Now that's juvenile.

I love a sunset, it is no less lovely to me
though the sun is very likely unaware of me.

I love driving 100 mph plus.
Speed could care less about me.

I love a full moon.
I doubt the moon loves me back.

If you limit your love only to that which
can return it; lonely and disappointed
you will be brother.

Don't fight the feelings, but don't be too
irrational- i.e. don't give them your CC's.
But if you got the cash hey.....

Whatever makes them happy.
simpleton's Avatar
It happens. I think Londons advice was best.
I have seen it destroy families, hurt children, cause people to do crazy stuff.
Not saying your a stalker but this is where some start.
"her musk compliment conflicts
with your musk signature....it sucks.
Its happened once to me and
it was bizzare to say the least."

Could you expound upon this please. If the musks conflict that would seem to leave one with a bad experience. If they mix ok it seems like this could lead to the feeling of having a crush. Or am I understanding incorectly. My coment of being week minded-I come from intelectual people, not that this means smart, only meaning that the mind should be in control at all times.

Simpleton, I should have been more clear, an itty, bitty crush untill I see Racael Allens cooking show tomorrow on PBS. Stalking takes work and personal investment. I'm lazy. Its just strange when you go from being numd to actuall carring. What the hell was that feeling I asked myself?
pyramider's Avatar
Just rub one out.
awl4knot's Avatar
If I don't have post- tryst euphoria that lasts for about 48 hours I am disappointed. I guess it's hormonal but it is certainly pleasurable.

The intrusive thoughts generally fade but for one girl, my first, I think about her constantly, but a compelling need to contact her.

Although I am susceptible to these feelings, historically I am not a great repeater. I tend to move on even after great experiences.
  • Laz
  • 10-07-2011, 05:09 PM
This is a personal activity. I think caring about a provider is a good thing. Trying to move beyond that is where the danger would lie.
anaximander's Avatar
You have all the textbook reactions.
A good fuck from the right woman
is every bit as addictive as heroin,
if not more so- speaking from experience.
It's harder to let a woman than a drug go
at least for me anyway.

Yeah you're smitten pretty good.
It's no different than a drug in the respect
that it isn't real- not likely at least.
You are feeling the instinct to bind
with this woman. This ain't the savannah.
Our instincts are still wired for the wild.

You asked about the negative reaction.
It was going good- it seemed.
She was a petite golden blonde spinner.
Grey-blue eyes, pink points- what I like.
The problem arose when she got real
wet. Went balls deep and when her juice
hit my sack- the blood in my sack froze.
Tickling itch followed by waves of nausea.
I pulled out and pulled back.
Vision was blurring and I was starting
to feel a fury that was as angry as I had
ever been. Her voice- previously very
soothing; was now grating on me like
glass splinters. It took everything I had
not to thrash her. I knew she had done
nothing, but my head boiling wasn't
helpful. I called a neighbor to come get
her and take her home anywhere just
far away from me.
She was crying, that only made me angrier.
After I pushed her out the door in a towel
holding her clothes, I took the hottest shower
I could. I scrubbed myself rawer than a
decontamination scrub. It took forever
to wash off this oily film that I sweat out
for almost two hours. After what seemed
like an eternity I got as clean as I was going
to get. Got dressed and called Lonna to
go out clubbing that eve. As I was driving
she leaned over and kissed my neck.
She pulled back and commented
You dork, you're not supposed to
mix colognes. Only scent that I had
on me- or should've- was rainbath.
She smelled the reaction of my musk
to the oppositional musk.

It was weird.
thisguy23's Avatar
If a guy has a really nice experience with a provider but can't stop thinking about it or her and it kind of feels like a "crush;" is this a thing that happens sometimes, or only to week minded guys?

Dunno, maybe it would be better to start drinking again? Originally Posted by buzzworm86

Happens to me all the time... Last about an hour sometimes two.
is she single? if so and you wanna help her by being a full time sugar daddy and see what happens...end of story. Some women retire from the bizness and become exclusive, it can happen.
How you want to pursue this "feeling" depends on how deep your pockets are.

If that bothers you, run away as fast as you can.
If a guy has a really nice experience with a provider but can't stop thinking about it or her and it kind of feels like a "crush;" is this a thing that happens sometimes, or only to week minded guys?

Dunno, maybe it would be better to start drinking again? Originally Posted by buzzworm86
I think I might know what you're talking about. Not sure if I've experienced what you're talking about with an escort just yet. Anyway does this video sort of sum it up.

Clouddancer's Avatar
I had an experience today that is exactly as you speak. I never thought of myself as weak minded but I can't stop thinking about her or the afternoon together.
To be honest, I don't want to let these feelings subside, its a primer for our next encounter.
She is awesome!

Thank you Jules Milano for one the most memorable experiences I've had.