Why keep going?

This will be interesting if there is any response at all.

If a persons life is an absolute POS examples:

-$90,000 worth of education

-never had a girlfriend or SO.

-Income average over 30 years is $9,100.00

-In his mid 40s

-Severe depression and personality disorder

-no real friends

-worked the hardest he could for 1.5 years at a temp job to only receive a part time job at the company and this, in spite of the education is the best he has ever done and the best he can ever hope for, or have or look forward too.

The question is, given the above criteria why stay alive? What is the point at this stage, because no one will ever care for you, you are like a child and absolutely worthless and totally insignificant, why stay alive?
DallasRain's Avatar
I am so sorry you feel down and out....If I was there I would give you a big hug!

Just remember...there are people out there who can help you professionally....your life matters!
Totally agree with Dallas! Every life means something and there are people who can help anyone's situation. You are an educated person and can find help in turning anything around! There is reason to believe and hope!
Mister Purple's Avatar
I saw that you also posted this in the national form and received some good answers there, but thought I would add a couple thoughts.

Dallas is correct. Professional help is your best bet. “This person” that you describe may think that they cannot afford therapy, but many places have sliding scale fees based upon someone’s income. With the income level you mentioned they may qualify for gov’t assistance to help pay for therapy. If that still seems like too much money, there are tons of self help websites that can help them get their life on track. If they don’t have internet access, the library has many self help books to check out for free. If this person wants to change, they can, but they have to take action. If they are depressed they may not feel like taking action, but doing the same thing they have always done, will continue to produce the same results.

At least half, 50 percent, of every single job is people skills. This person may have more education than their co-workers and still get passed over for better jobs, if they lack people skills. Getting along well with others, being well liked by others is important to job success. Again, therapy and self help books/articles will give ways to improve these. I just did a quick google search and found a free online copy of “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (see below). It is older, but the info is solid and it is considered a classic in this area.

Life is hard and usually not at all like it is portrayed in movies/tv. So if this person is comparing their life to the movies, they will be sorely disappointed. A few are born with advantages, but most of us have to work hard for what we get, and then fight to keep it. If this person does not care about himself, then nobody else will either. Volunteering to help others will change their outlook a lot. If they want to completely change their life while learning some new job skills, they could volunteer for the Peace Corps. It may be cliche, but life/happiness is not a destination but a journey. This person could pick just one thing they want to improve in their life and spend 5 minutes a day working on it and their mood would improve drastically. Like Henry Ford said, if you think you can do a thing, OR think you cannot, you are right! If this person thinks life sucks and nothing will change, they are correct. But if they think life will get better if they only try some new things, they are also correct.

Finally, it looks like the person you may be talking about has a lot of posts on here but no reviews. You mentioned they have never had a girlfriend. If they have been on here long enough to know how the hobby works, then they should definitely get laid. That is one life experience that can change a person’s whole perspective for sure. They may think they are too ugly or too poor for this, but if they are clean and polite, they can meet a provider within their budget. But this too takes effort on their part. Like Buddha said, Life is struggle. But we have to find a way to have some fun and give our lives some meaning. This person’s life can change if they want it to.

the free link:
DallasRain's Avatar
come see me at my new "den of iniquity"...I'll cheer ya up sugar!!
{shameless plug}