Is “Reverse Jury Nullification” In Play? You Bet It Is.

So the Jury is about to get the case against Trump.

The verdict will be guilty. Why, since practically every legal “expert” who is not on MSNBC payroll has determined that this entire charade is being played out for one purpose. To get a guilty verdict.

Guilty. Even though everybody knows the entire case will. Be thrower out on appeal?

Here is why. All of these Jurors are from New York. They are all likely loyal Democrats. They all are likely to believe hat Donald Trump is the next thing to the Anti-Christ.

If any of these Jurors vote not guilty, they will become outcast in their communities. Their sons will suddenly not make the little league team. That application for that exclusive private school will be turned down. You might get turned down for that mortgage, or new car loan. The neighbors will suddenly start letting their dogs shit in your yard.

Every Juror knows how important a guilty verdict is. As loyal democrats, they know what is expected. It’s Party first, Country second.

It will be like a Reverse Nullification. Jury nullification generally means a defendant is found innocent even though there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The most famous case of this was the OJ trial.

In this case, the Jury has to convict because they know the consequences if they don’t. The Constitutional Concept of innocent untill proven guilty is thrown right out the window.

Because the only thing that they are thinking is as loyal Democrats, it is their duty to convict. The price of not guilty is too great.

Because that price just might be Donald Trump being President.

Of course, it could all boomerang. A guilty verdict might piss off enough voters who recognize the scam when they see it, and vote for Trump out of revenge for the corrupt system.
winn dixie's Avatar
I want trumpf tarred and feathered.
I know he's guilty as fuck.
But even I know trumpf will get off.
Dirty dog shame too
  • Tiny
  • 05-21-2024, 11:34 AM
I don't have a problem with him being tarred and feathered in the Georgia and Washington, D.C. cases, but I'd a lot rather see him in an ankle bracelet at Mar A Lago instead of a prison cell in Georgia or elsewhere.

The Stormy Daniels case is another example of prosecutorial abuse in New York though. You could carry Jackie S's explanation a step further and say Alvin Brag and Leticia James, who are elected officials, brought the cases for political purposes. If he weren't an unpopular Republican, he wouldn't have been charged with felonies, or probably charged with anything. Jackie S is right, it's tough for Trump to get a fair trial in Manhattan. That's obvious, from the ridiculous amount of fines and damages he'll pay for the civil cases if he's not successful on appeal.

As to the current case, I wouldn't be surprised if either the jury's hung, or Trump's convicted of misdemeanors but not felonies. As I understand it, to be guilty of a felony, Trump's payoff through Cohen to Stormy Daniels must be considered a campaign contribution. That's ridiculous IMHO.

The prosecution, the defense, or the judge can demand that the jury be given the option of convicting on misdemeanors. So whether the jury will have that option is unknown right now.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I don't have a problem with him being tarred and feathered in the Georgia and Washington, D.C. cases, but I'd a lot rather see him in an ankle bracelet at Mar A Lago instead of a prison cell in Georgia or elsewhere.

The Stormy Daniels case is another example of prosecutorial abuse in New York though. You could carry Jackie S's explanation a step further and say Alvin Brag and Leticia James, who are elected officials, brought the cases for political purposes. If he weren't an unpopular Republican, he wouldn't have been charged with felonies, or probably charged with anything. Jackie S is right, it's tough for Trump to get a fair trial in Manhattan. That's obvious, from the ridiculous amount of fines and damages he'll pay for the civil cases if he's not successful on appeal.

As to the current case, I wouldn't be surprised if either the jury's hung, or Trump's convicted of misdemeanors but not felonies. As I understand it, to be guilty of a felony, Trump's payoff through Cohen to Stormy Daniels must be considered a campaign contribution. That's ridiculous IMHO.

The prosecution, the defense, or the judge can demand that the jury be given the option of convicting on misdemeanors. So whether the jury will have that option is unknown right now. Originally Posted by Tiny
I would agree that both cases against Trump in New York are politically motivated. Unfortunately prosecutions are brought for political reasons all the time on both sides of the political spectrum. I dare say that a number of prosecutions and investigations brought under Ken Paxton in Texas are politically motivated. The fact that Bill Clinton was prosecuted for getting a hummer in the oval office was about as nakedly political as you could imagine.

The fact is that this wouldn’t be a problem for Trump if he wasn’t such a weasel who did weaselly things and surrounded himself with weaselly people. They don’t call it “pop goes the weasel” for nothing. If you don’t want to get hit in the head, metaphorically speaking, then you should keep your head down and try not to piss off the gardener.
texassapper's Avatar
The fact that Bill Clinton was prosecuted for getting a hummer in the oval office was about as nakedly political as you could imagine. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Did you forget the part where Bill lied under oath in a civil trial brought by Paula Jones? Believe all women unless they are talking about a democrat.

That's why he was impeached
Tell us you don't know jack shit about jury selection without telling us you don't know jack shit.

So the Jury is about to get the case against Trump.

The verdict will be guilty. Why, since practically every legal “expert” who is not on MSNBC payroll has determined that this entire charade is being played out for one purpose. To get a guilty verdict.

Guilty. Even though everybody knows the entire case will. Be thrower out on appeal?

Here is why. All of these Jurors are from New York. They are all likely loyal Democrats. They all are likely to believe hat Donald Trump is the next thing to the Anti-Christ.

If any of these Jurors vote not guilty, they will become outcast in their communities. Their sons will suddenly not make the little league team. That application for that exclusive private school will be turned down. You might get turned down for that mortgage, or new car loan. The neighbors will suddenly start letting their dogs shit in your yard.

Every Juror knows how important a guilty verdict is. As loyal democrats, they know what is expected. It’s Party first, Country second.

It will be like a Reverse Nullification. Jury nullification generally means a defendant is found innocent even though there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The most famous case of this was the OJ trial.

In this case, the Jury has to convict because they know the consequences if they don’t. The Constitutional Concept of innocent untill proven guilty is thrown right out the window.

Because the only thing that they are thinking is as loyal Democrats, it is their duty to convict. The price of not guilty is too great.

Because that price just might be Donald Trump being President.

Of course, it could all boomerang. A guilty verdict might piss off enough voters who recognize the scam when they see it, and vote for Trump out of revenge for the corrupt system. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Michael8219's Avatar
One cannot “intend” to commit or cover up a crime if what one intended to do was not a crime to begin with.

Even if what President Trump did was a crime (it’s not), statute of limitations was two years.

To quote Gregory Germain, Professor of Law, Syracuse University College of Law:

“The outcome of the trial will likely depend on Judge Merchan’s jury instructions. Will Judge Merchan’s instructions require the jury to identify the specific fraud and independent unlawful act made to influence the election separate from the business records falsification, or will the instructions only require proof that Trump tried to hide his hush money payments to influence the election, ignoring the requirement to clearly identify a separate fraud and unlawful act.

If Trump is convicted, will Judge Merchan sentence him to prison on a first-time non-violent Class E felony, creating a constitutional crisis in the middle of the election? Or merely give him probation and leave him free to rail against the corrupt judicial process while appealing his conviction. If the judge sentences Trump to prison, will it be upheld on appeal? And if Trump goes to prison, what happens to the election?

If the Democratic Party thought that this prosecution would benefit their election, I think they blundered badly. Trump is benefitting from the publicity, successfully portraying himself as the victim of a political witch hunt. Ultimately, the election will not be decided by the courts. Trump could run for and be elected president whether he’s convicted and sent to jail or not. And the greater the penalty, the more likely he will win the election. Knowing that they can’t knock Trump out of the race, what is the prosecution’s end game?”
  • Tiny
  • 05-21-2024, 01:52 PM
I dare say that a number of prosecutions and investigations brought under Ken Paxton in Texas are politically motivated. The fact that Bill Clinton was prosecuted for getting a hummer in the oval office was about as nakedly political as you could imagine. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Agreed, 100%. Except that Clinton deserved some kind of punishment. He defamed the image of the United States of America by getting blow jobs from a fat, homely woman. President Yeltsin and Chairman Jiang probably laughed their asses off about that.
Agreed, 100%. Except that Clinton deserved some kind of punishment. He defamed the image of the United States of America by getting blow jobs from a fat, homely woman. President Yeltsin and Chairman Jiang probably laughed their asses off about that. Originally Posted by Tiny
Maybe she swallows and the hotter chicks didn't.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Did you forget the part where Bill lied under oath in a civil trial brought by Paula Jones? Believe all women unless they are talking about a democrat.

That's why he was impeached Originally Posted by texassapper
When it comes down to it this is very similar to what’s happening to Trump right now, Being prosecuted for covering up a sexual indiscretion.

Like Clinton the crime is the cover-up not the actual act itself.
When it comes down to it this is very similar to what’s happening to Trump right now, Being prosecuted for covering up a sexual indiscretion.

Like Clinton the crime is the cover-up not the actual act itself. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Not similar at all, the only thing similar is the sex involved. I doubt Trump would have won if this landed just before the election. 2016 was a very close race, I remember some data showing if 2 counties flipped in swing states then it would have changed the outcome. The margin in these 2 counties was like 10,000 votes combined.

In typical trump fashion he did everything possible to cover up the story regardless of any laws. He figured once he was president it wouldn't matter. Problem is he lost bigly in 2020 and limitations hadn't ran out yet. FDT.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you forget the part where Bill lied under oath in a civil trial brought by Paula Jones? Believe all women unless they are talking about a democrat.

That's why he was impeached Originally Posted by texassapper
You are hysterical, brother!

Redhot1960's Avatar
... Won't matter WHAT the Jury does... If there's a conviction
- it's Overturned on Appeal.

But you fellows had better get used to see a number of political
people being brought to charges... For at least the NEXT 4 years.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
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