Can I get a ruling...

boardman's Avatar
Has the statute of limitations on the Prime Directive run out yet?
TransAm's Avatar
Unless you're working a Trek reference, can you clear some of us newer members as to what it is?
Wakeup's Avatar
Fuck no...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Why? Are you planning on messing with the ....

pyramider's Avatar
You are stuck with the prime directive until the modtard that issued it resends it.
TexasGator's Avatar
What part of TippyTop Secret don't you understand, OP? Lest ye forget not all who dwell here have seen, let alone possess a guttersnipe decoder ring.

Deal with it, as must the rest of us, and utter nary a name.

.....although I'd be remiss were I not to inquire: "Shouldn't this remain in Co-AD?"
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Does this have to do with the release of or at least someone's access to, this network I created some many years ago. I don't think they'll ever rescind it, I am glad I am outside the litter box on this directive.
dearhunter's Avatar
None of you bitches are allowed to talk to me, about and about anyone I am thincking of.........and right now, I am thincking about all of you........except for you (you know who you are) I am not thincking about you......ijs.
Wayward's Avatar
Has the statute of limitations on the Prime Directive run out yet? Originally Posted by boardman
proper's Avatar
*chuckle* Originally Posted by Wayward
Wow if a post brings out the padre it has to be good.