Cock Block!


I'm on a business trip this week. Last week before I left I contacted a lady in the town I'm traveling to, passed her screening, and said I would call to set up a date and time after I got my schedule figured out. So it's set for tonight, a three hour session to close out my trip.

BUT: I was traveling with a colleague who 1) doesn't like to drive in big cities, and 2) refuses to drive at night. And he schedules a dinner meeting tonight that's 45 minutes from my hotel. So there's an hour and a half out of my evening, plus another hour and a half or two sitting around waiting for him to call so I can go pick him up. Because of the uncertainty we cancelled the date.

So here I am in the hotel, no date, and frustrated as hell.

/end rant
I'm sorry to hear your travel partner is such a buzz kill. Haha who doesn't drive at night? Make his ass wait while you enjoy your evening. He should have thought about that before asking you to be his transport service
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Make him take a cab. Unless you are hired to be a taxi driver.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
If the girl is coming to you then why don't you drop him off and have her meet you at your hotel and instead of doing 3hrs do it until he calls?
Nebraska69now's Avatar
tell him you aren't his nanny or his driver and he can either sac up like a big boy and drive or call a car service
Bigh1955's Avatar
The fact he expected you to pick up the slack like this tells me he's either your boss, or totally unconscious on a social level. Next time suggest he use a closer eating establishment, one that the cab fare won't kill him, then go see your date.