Something I've learned here

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I have learned something over time here at ECCIE.

Whenever I have seen a gal's showcase that I found wonderful, or when she posted thoughts or things that make me take notice I would send her a PM stating so. Over the years I have had many responses. Not one has been interested in anything but work.
Of course I know this is not a dating site. I understand a little of them but not all. How could I?
There is one BDSM Dom on this site that I think is gorgeous. And I told her so. I do not use gutter speak so I was polite of course. She seemed intimidated or terribly not interested in GFE. I would have walked the 1500 miles. (No I did not tell her that.)

Babe...My parents made a mistake. They had no clue that I was to be known as Babe.

I find some providers very interesting, stimulating. Some can be so very enlightening. I like that some can be so brave, so open. There is a compartment in my thoughts that is un-trusting though. Guarded. They are pros, actors with thick walls high and deep. If I gently pressed my cheek against the wall would it be cold and damp or would it sting like steel?

I believe that some are very special. Not all carbon under pressure becomes a diamond.

What do I remember? I remember the eyes of a provider when she looked at me.
I will never forget her.
Her momentary stare was blank but it was clear what she was thinking for that moment.

I may have spoken of this session before and then maybe not. No BCD activities took place.
Most of the time was to give her comfort. It was a certain place, a certain time, no one could have guessed it was coming.

Back to the topic I can't fathom the amount and type of PM's you gal's must receive.
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Do you remember the conversation on dancing and art?
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