Doctor Johnny Fever Has Left the Building!

dumars's Avatar
Rest in peace sir! You have not been forgotten!
TailHooked's Avatar
Everyone is dropping like flies.
And before the Bengals won, how poetic...
Grace Preston's Avatar
And before the Bengals won, how poetic... Originally Posted by kcpitchreader

My dear.. that is WHY the Bengals won...

They did it for Johnny!!! (I'll see myself out)
dumars's Avatar
Purported to be Howard Hessman's best scene as the Doctor. Not sure if it can be disputed . . .

Full version . . .

My edited short version . . .
TailHooked's Avatar
I remember that one. Johnny was asked what happened to him, that he ended up being a DJ there. He said he had a great job at a rock station. One day he said booger. He said the top brass weren't happy. The next thing he knew he was doing a gardening show in Amarillo, Texas.