Moving up.

Guest101610-2's Avatar
The title implys a retirement either from this board or from the hobby. Maybe Moving UP instead? But really, moving away from Dharma is not the smartest move. She has the clients and rep and you will be losing that. Although I hear your menu is pretty small, vs hers.

Do you have a website? Moving out on your own with no infrastructure in place will be a pitfall in the future. Your own website, for example, would be the perfect place to post something like this. Not many really care one way or the other. You gotta do the "look at me" threads in a way that everyone will enjoy bumping and talking about. This somehow, just doesn't do it for me (except for me sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.)
I heard about your move deedee and wish you all the very best darlin'. Dharma and I FINALLY nailed down dates and times to work together and I am sorry that I won't get the opportunity to work with you as well. Hopefully we can meet when I am "in the neighborhood".

And no, I am NOT replacing deedee nor did they have a falling out of ANY kind! Sometimes, it is just time to move on.

Good luck to you deedee!!!
Saturn's Avatar
Dee I need to come see you again