Why So Many Libtards Are Deep-Down Confederate Sympathizers....

lustylad's Avatar
Woomby, Shammy, Assup, WTFagboy, BigTampon, et al. don't like to talk about it, but they are secretly attracted to Jefferson Davis because they think he was a tranny....

Just before his arrest in May of 1865, Davis made a decision that would haunt him. As a Union general reported, he “hastily put on one of his wife’s dresses” while attempting to escape.


Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's rich. We all know who the tranny fuckee is around here.

That's two irrelevant posts in a row, Junior. Maybe you need to be renamed IIFFYYJunior.

Swing and a miss!

But this begs the question: were you Googling Jeff Davis, Confederate heroes or trannies?
lustylad's Avatar
Just trying to point you in the right direction for your next job, assup. One that you secretly aspire to. Beats the tranny scene at Tallywackers too. So get off the couch, put on a dress, grow a Confederate beard and go see Barnum & Bailey next time the circus comes to Clarksville. You can thank me later.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-14-2015, 11:00 AM
lustylady swings ....and misses again.

Don't quit your day job you homo, you've had plenty of bones shoved up your ass but a funny bone ain't one of them.

What a dumbass. What could be possibly have been searching for to have come across this? Confederate tranny? Jesus Christ. Swung on and missed. Nice try Lusty Tard, the dog face bitch boy.
lustylad's Avatar
What could he possibly have been searching for to have come across this? Originally Posted by WombRaider

You're slipping, sewer rat! It was on the op-ed page yesterday of your favorite yankee libtard newspaper - the New York Times. WTF is wrong with you? Did you even open the link? Or does that slow you down from hitting 50 posts a day?

If the freelance faggot from Arkansas doesn't read the NYT editorial pages, he won't know the latest libtard talking points!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

It's getting pretty goddamned hard to make sense anymore, isn't it Junior?

Be happy anybody responds to your stupid shit at all, you IBIdiot wannabe!
lustylad's Avatar

It's getting pretty goddamned hard to make sense anymore! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I know but you really need to pull yourself together if you want the job, assup. Try not to be a dipshit during the interview. Circle your calender for Aug. 19th. Now put on a dress and work on your Jeff Davis impersonation!

I know but you really need to pull yourself together if you want the job, assup. Try not to be a dipshit during the interview. Circle your calender for Aug. 19th. Now put on a dress and work on your Jeff Davis impersonation!

http://www.ringling.com/TourSchedule...ementId=109265 Originally Posted by lustylad
What ? Doesn't he get along with his fellow swishy walking libs to get his own "hole" at Talleywackers ? He DOESN'T want to work alongside woomby and shammy getting his fudge packed and guzzling the cum of everyone that shows up ? Has there been a falling out in the Reach Around Crew ? Stay tuned !!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-14-2015, 01:57 PM
You're slipping, sewer rat! It was on the op-ed page yesterday of your favorite yankee libtard newspaper - the New York Times. WTF is wrong with you? Did you even open the link? ! Originally Posted by lustylad
Why didn't you post the paragraph right after the quote you posted which actually told the truth? The one in which it stated that him being caught in his wife's dress was in fact not true....
lustylad's Avatar
Why didn't you post the paragraph right after the quote you posted which actually told the truth? The one in which it stated that him being caught in his wife's dress was in fact not true.... Originally Posted by WTF

There you go defending Jefferson Davis! See, I knew you were a closet gay Confederate sympathizer.... thanks for proving the point, fagboy!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This might one of the two stupidest posts in the history of this forum. The other one has to do with El Chapo.

Both authored by the same bush league pissant.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-14-2015, 03:39 PM
There you go defending Jefferson Davis! See, I knew you were a closet gay Confederate sympathizer.... thanks for proving the point, fagboy! Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm just pointing out the facts as they were reported....in contrast to your distortion.

In fact, he was apprehended wearing not a dress but his wife’s raincoat and shawl, which, his defenders argued, were nearly unisex in the style of the day. To the Northern press, however, the story was too good to check. Newspapers and magazines rushed to publish sketches of Davis as a bearded Southern belle.
  • shanm
  • 07-14-2015, 03:42 PM
Is this kinda like that one time when LustyLadyboy tried to convince us he didnt come across TALLYWACKERS while "researching" huff post GAY voices?
Is this kinda like that one time when LustyLadyboy tried to convince us he didnt come across TALLYWACKERS while "researching" huff post GAY voices? Originally Posted by shanm
That's the way to plug your and woomby's new 'hole house and employer, shammy ! Sure they'll be real happy about the free advertising you're giving them ! Might even order some new, cleaner dumpsters for you two to " work" with ! Or maybe they can add some words to their radio spots / ads about the 2 "hoover" sisters that are working there to show their appreciation for you being a cheerleader for them !!!!