Sex Trafficing

About to watch a report on Ch13 news @ 10 about sex trafficking. Do you think there is a significant number of agencies and spas being reviewed here that are guilty of trafficking?

Maybe this is a good reason to see independents?
I'm drinking beer with two of them right now.

They sleep six all in one room.

This location is sex-free .... but they are still slaves.

Good thing they need me.

And good thing I'm generous so their babies can eat tomorrow.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-02-2015, 10:19 PM

The Sex trafficking, slavery issue is one of the biggest lies being told today. It is amazing how people will believe such lies so easily. The media is to blame for this. I wonder why they feel such a need to report wrong stats, numbers and information about this topic without doing proper research.

While this may happen in very rare limited situations, the media will say that millions of people are sex slaves without doing any real research on the topic. Only taking the word of special interest anti-prostitution groups which need to generate money in the form of huge government grants from taxpayers, and charities. These "non profit" group's employees make huge salaries, therefore they need to lobby the government, and inflate and invent victims in order to get more money into their organizations. If you look into how many real kidnapped forced against their will sex slaves there are, and not just take the anti-prostitution groups word for it. You will be very surprised.

Where are all the forced sex slaves? I would like to meet the "millions" of slaves and see for myself if they were kidnapped and forced against their will.

These groups lobby the government in a big way, getting Politicians to truly believe their lies.

This is an attempt to over inflate an issue in order to get more government money to these organizations. As a tax payer, voter, and resident I don’t want the government to mislead me.
LexusLover's Avatar
I suspect there are more females in marriages and SO relationships in which they feel "pressured" and/or "forced" to have sex with the opposite party to merely survive at least in the sense they need to remain in the relationship to have a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, support for their kids, and food on the table.

To put it directly: There are many women who fuck their husband because he has money.
tbone77494's Avatar
I am certain the agency ladies that post and are reviewed here come and go as they please. Amps are probably the same. If there is true trafficking, they doubtfully put up eccie showcases.
  • cr76
  • 02-03-2015, 06:25 AM
I Never get that sense from agencies or spas. These girls had phones, recieved phone calls, talked about weekend plans, what they do in their spare time..etc. there was never a feeling that these girls were their forcefully.
Arverni's Avatar

The Sex trafficking, slavery issue is one of the biggest lies being told today. It is amazing how people will believe such lies so easily. Originally Posted by WTF
+1000 ... the media actually has most people CONVINCED that there are 32 million modern slaves out there. That's more than the population of Australia. That's more than when chattel slavery was legal in most countries.

None of their math adds up. Even the individual stories ... "I was forced to fuck 80 men a day." Really? Goddamn and NO ONE out there really does the math to determine that that's over three dudes per hour - IF THE GIRL DOESN'T SLEEP OR EAT??

Why don't more people call bullshit on these lies?

Hell - we know the name of every drug cartel leader out there.

To move 32 million slaves worldwid (and keep them hidden so well) - that would require cartels equal to the ones in the drug trade.

LMAO. People think they are so smart in the modern world. And then fall for shit like this!!
Good morning.

Well. It is all relative.

I've been told by many of y'all's favorite booker what the Thai girls, most of us fucked, borrowed to come to USA and how they paid it off.

I would still agree most information is smeared by the press being pushed on by opponents.

It takes only one.
If they are of legal age, and weren't abducted, they knew what they were entering into.
ck1942's Avatar
January 29 - February 25, 2015

Plus any time at least a month into local or state election seasons.
LexusLover's Avatar
+1000 ... the media actually has most people CONVINCED that there are 32 million modern slaves out there. Originally Posted by Arverni
You may be confusing the stats.

That's how many people in the U.S. didn't have health care insurance in 2010.

There are almost 50 million now.
You may be confusing the stats.

That's how many people in the U.S. didn't have health care insurance in 2010.

There are almost 50 million now. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I've always had healthcare....every year of my life.

But,...this year, I have no doctors.

Doesn't matter though, I'd have to have a brain tumor to meet my barely. Likely, I'd discover it in December....and have to meet two deductibles.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
+1000 ... the media actually has most people CONVINCED that there are 32 million modern slaves out there. That's more than the population of Australia. That's more than when chattel slavery was legal in most countries.

None of their math adds up. Even the individual stories ... "I was forced to fuck 80 men a day." Really? Goddamn and NO ONE out there really does the math to determine that that's over three dudes per hour - IF THE GIRL DOESN'T SLEEP OR EAT??

Why don't more people call bullshit on these lies?

Hell - we know the name of every drug cartel leader out there.

To move 32 million slaves worldwid (and keep them hidden so well) - that would require cartels equal to the ones in the drug trade.

LMAO. People think they are so smart in the modern world. And then fall for shit like this!! Originally Posted by Arverni
And yet another great post from the wise Averni.

Here is a thought from a woman's perspective. Do you think that if I KNEW of someone being trafficked that I wouldn't get out there, find her, and get her some assistance.

Stage some sort of ambush? Get her out of there? Do anything?

Sex workers, at least the ones that I know, would have zero tolerance for that type of crap. You would see women rising from the ashes to help another woman in that situation, if we knew of a specific one.

I'm more of a Buddhist - peace - loving - man loving - female. I don't fight. But in that instance? Oh ... I would do what needed to be done. Or find others to do it for me.

I cannot speak for women in other countries, especially those that are so suppressed. But India has a huge activism group. Things are getting better. Too slowly but some places are going in the right direction.

Sex trafficking makes for good politicking. Nothing more.

It's a shame that so many actually believe that tripe, especially in the United States.

For those wanting to read MORE about this fallacy, Maggie McNeill has a great website and she writes about the topic very frequently. This is probably one of my most favorite blogs.

*** Disclaimer: I know that some sex trafficking/slavery does happen. And it's a travesty when it does and needs to be eradicated. But making this pulp "news" and for fodder, just diminishes (for me) the real needs out there for women in dire circumstances.
Zanz' King should use his pen and cell phone and craft up the "Cream Act" .... similar to the "Dream Act" except for whores.

Just let them line up to have all their history/crimes/sins wiped clean and then get full free access to all that the government can rob from the rest of us.
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  • WTF
  • 02-03-2015, 10:26 AM