Meet the Sex Workers Who Lawmakers Don't Believe Exist

lyn.xes's Avatar
an article I took a few sections but one may want to read the whole thing.

any ladies "sex-based spiritual healers"? church would be a lot more fun if that was part if it.

....In her 30s, after discovering a community of sex-based spiritual healers, Mary came to sex work. Hers is not the stereotypical street-based prostitution horror story, but she's far from the only person with a story like this. "One of the reasons we're dismissed is that there's this belief that we're so out of touch with the harms of the industry," Mary says. "And so it really can be a fine line to walk to say, 'No, I am empowered, I am making choices, and not only am I making choices, but these choices have been the best decisions I have made in my life.'"

...But King County prosecuting attorney Dan Satterberg argues that self-employed sex workers like Mary are a tiny minority. In January, at an anti-trafficking event held at Town Hall, he said that people like Mary make up just 1 percent of the sex-worker population:...

...Dank is a sex-trafficking researcher and lead author of a Department of Justice–funded study published last year that looked at the sex industry across eight American cities, including Seattle. "There's been no rigorous evidence to prove prevalence, how many victims actually exist," she says. "That question has never been answered. You can't just say 99 percent identify as a victim...

Boyer says if SWOP volunteers were smarter, they'd support the so-called "Nordic model," which has become shorthand for the process of shifting criminalization away from the sex workers and toward their clientele. "The global trend is to get women [sex workers] into services,"....

There's actually very little data to support the idea that most adult sex workers are working because they were trafficked or abused as children. Again, the problem comes down to studies that rely on samples of women living or working on the street—a sample slanted toward a particular statistical outcome...
pyramider's Avatar
Why don't these sex studies get on SHMBs? Or do SHMBs even exist?