If I remember correctly the bakery was forced to comply. Lefty’s love fascism.
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
A. The supreme court sided with the bakery ultimately as the owner was asserting their religious beliefs by limiting access to baking for a gay couple.
B. Making incorrect assumptions to feed a false narrative, is not part of this thread.
C. The real fascism is the narrative of many far-right wing groups and their "news" outlets who want to change the narrative, by the continued throwing out old disproven ideas relating to Fauci, vote counts etal, all filled with evil conspiracies incl the likes of Soros, baby eating, pizza shop pedophiles; all driven by absurd false conclusions in order to demonize the left. Republican fanatics latch onto this as it helps them drive a narrative- regardless of facts. Elimination of these opinion propaganda machines is welcome as those who truly drive these false narratives are dangerous to a society.