Hey my name is Jamie. I have a issue with a current member on eccie and he wrote a nasty review on me thats not true!!!! IS THERE A WAY TO HAVE IT REMOVED?
ElumEno's Avatar
Just a few things...
Now that you have brought it to everyones attention that you have two ECCIE accounts,
I'm sure the moderators will be asking you which one you would like to keep.

Once that is taken care of, then all your reviews will show up in your review section.
I do not believe that they will remove that review..
You really should not sweat one single no review, we guys are pretty good at snuffing out the BS reviews.

BTW are you now going by green eye godess or jamielynn4u?
Basically your screwed regardless of the situation he can right his account on your meeting all you can do is work to get better reviews to drown that one out
Longermonger's Avatar
With your looks and body all you have to do is open your menu a little and no one will care about one bad

One bad review wont kill you...but a series of them will. Just go about your business and it will take care of it's self.
I dont have two accounts and I cleared that up with the that is Sombody else.
ElumEno's Avatar
I dont have two accounts and I cleared that up with the that is Sombody else. Originally Posted by green eye godess
I'm sorry but I hope you can understand the confusion, especially since you had reviews for jamielynn4u linked in your showcase
and the review that you opened this thread on is also linked to jamielynn4u and not to you.
Yes I know for the longest when someone would write a review it wouldn't go under my account (green eye godess) so, when I was having the mod add my reviews I accidentally sent him the wrong review, It was removed right after. Sorry for the confusion.