Slow Replies to Emails...(my bad)

Guest012211-3's Avatar

Not a veiled ad, just a PSA to let those who have contacted me via email and phone over the weekend that I am sorry for the slow reply. I was busier than expected with appointments (thought it would be a slow two days), fell asleep early, woke up late, and failed to answer the phone yesterday and today. Please forgive me...

Everything is now back on track

Also, I will no longer be posting, reading or advertising on ASPD (personal choice) please only PM me here.
cookie man's Avatar
I am bumping this for Nicole. She's too proud to admit that she got hold of some bad blackeyed peas. Never sautee them in red wine and an old left-over hambone
She wasn't at Target again with that basket of Merlot was she??
steverino50's Avatar
She wasn't at Target again with that basket of Merlot was she?? Originally Posted by DrPerry
I think that was her...Merlot and catfood...
Now I know it is RED WINE with catfood.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Whew....I thought she just didn't want to reply. Don't knock the cat food and red wine till you try it. Fancy feast is some pretty good stuff especially after Nicole did a red wine reduction sauce.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Excuse me, but I have been accepted into a very prestigious culinary school in London, so that is "Le" Fancy Feast, thank you.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Hell I'm a redneck I don't know french. My champagne and caviar is a RC Cola and a moon pie.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Moon Pies is good PT!!! Warsh it down with some RC and you gotcha yo'self a party!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Now see there....that's tha kinda language I understand. They don't teach that kinda good lovin at no cookin school. :-). I would still eat what your cooking though. Just as long as it's not calf brains or something like that. I don't have my own Bizarre Foods with Poppy television show so no need for that stuff.