Online. ED pharmaceuticals

resrchsci's Avatar
Can anyone lead
e to a reliable ED phamaceutical website I can order Viagra cialis lavetra ect?
Ugh... one of my LEAST favorite topics. Hun are you sure you need them? I've had some awful experiences with guys using that little blue f*cking pill from hell. Everything from an overworked cha cha to guys that just can't cum after 2-3 hours.

It's not all it's cracked up to be! Please check with a Dr first, forget the embarrassment, better to be safe and happy than sorry and broke later!!

kisses, Alex
Ugh... one of my LEAST favorite topics. Hun are you sure you need them? I've had some awful experiences with guys using that little blue f*cking pill from hell. Everything from an overworked cha cha to guys that just can't cum after 2-3 hours. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
I assume the overworked cha-cha is yours. And if you're getting paid by the hour, what's the gripe? If you object to an overworked cha-cha, don't book multi-hour sessions. And why do you care if he can't cum after 2-3 hours? Isn't it his problem to figure this out and adjust his booking session?

Not trying to start an argument. Just wondering...
pyramider's Avatar
Overworked cha cha is usually a satisfied cha cha.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Overworked cha cha is usually a satisfied cha cha. Originally Posted by pyramider
Apparently not. At least not for some women. If Alex believed that I don't think she'd have posted what she did.

I suspect that an overworked cha cha would be the woman's equivalent of receiving a 30-40 minute incompetent hand job, and being rubbed raw and sore by the end of it, with no release (bcg is sad to say that he's speaking from experience here; it was so bad that it's kinda turned him off hand jobs ever since... )


I agree with Alex on this onem have had expeiences exactly like what she is talking about. Have fxxxed, and fd and fd and fd and couldn'tcum to save my life. Then there are the dizzy spells. Have nearly gotten killed in car wrecks to and from the date. If you have low blood pressure, DO NOT TAKE. If you are taking meds for high blood pressure, DO NOT TAKE.

There are a lot of "myth-conceptions" about viagra. Most guys seem to thnk it is an instant erection pill. It is not. You must still have sexual desire in order for it to work. Basicaly what viagra does, it causes the blood vessels in the extremitie of the body to open up and cause greater blood flow to those areas. You've probably seen the ad warning,"if you get an erection lasting more than 4 hours...". What an ad ploy! The effect doesn't quite last4 hours. Also who wants to f--- or be f----- for 4 hours straight. imho, not being able to cum is worse than having trouble getting it up. I've actualy had partners who could get me to cum even though I was semi soft. Not being able to cum is trul frustrating.

You can do just as good for yourself or better, by eating right, getting into shape, and doing a half hour of cardio workouts everyday. It's all about good blood circu;ation. Plus, there are numerous other benefits from doing these things.

oops, computer gliche.

another thing to try, find a partner with talent or as made you pop before.
Relaxation is important also.

If your looking for safe supplementation, there are a number of herbs that I've noticed work for me. Gensing, goatweed, cautuba, ginko, yohimbe. These are cheap, easy to get a hold of, and they promote good health in other areas of your life.

Sorry to rant, but take it from someone who has been there, the little magic blue pills aren't worth the problems they cause just so you can play "superman" for a few hours.

solo mi dos pesos.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I agree with Alex on this onem have had expeiences exactly like what she is talking about. Have fxxxed, and fd and fd and fd and couldn'tcum to save my life. Then there are the dizzy spells. Have nearly gotten killed in car wrecks to and from the date. If you have low blood pressure, DO NOT TAKE. If you are taking meds for high blood pressure, DO NOT TAKE. Originally Posted by Garland_Bone
Well, consult your doctor.

My doc prescribed Viagra for me, and I am on a HBP med (losartan-hydrochlorothiazide). Neither he or the pharmacist have raised a red flag about Viagra having adverse interactions with the HPB med, and I've had no problems with it.

Other HBP meds, YMMV.

Another absolute contraindication is that you shouldn't take Viagra within 24 hours after taking nitroglycerin or other organic nitrites/nitrates.


bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-08-2010, 07:52 AM
Can anyone lead
e to a reliable ED phamaceutical website I can order Viagra cialis lavetra ect? Originally Posted by resrchsci
Sheech, people the guy asked a simple question. Thread got off topic a little dab (although I loved chas.tudor's post -tff).

Uh sir, I use and recommend:

They are not cheap but it's the real stuff. But beware - the website AND phone number that you use will be shared with others. And, they require an adult signature, so no PO Box type delivery.
resrchsci's Avatar
Uh sir, I use and recommend:

bbkid, thanks for the link. My intent was simple, just get some info and not launch a long expose on lenthy sessions with out cumming.
resrchsci's Avatar
Thanks taz that is all good advice. But still want a good pharma site for viag, cialis, lavitra
  • Jon54
  • 07-08-2010, 06:54 PM
I find that ultimately it is cheaper to get them from your local pharmacist, assuming you see your normal doc regularly. These damn things have become a necessity to me because of my age. I pay about $15/pill for 50mg tabs.
And if you're getting paid by the hour, what's the gripe? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Typical male reaction. "I'm paying you, you gotta deal with whatever I have to give you."

Bull... Sh*t

I'm sorry, it don't work that way. A man who can't finish because of a little blue pill eventually can take it out on the provider by frantic pounding that isn't satisfying to anyone.

To BCG's point, would you enjoy a handjob that lasted a full 45 minutes without a happy ending, charlestudor2005? Probably not. You'd need the bag of frozen peas that I sometime have to use after a Viagra-fueled and ultimately unsatisfying session.

Sorry guys, I speak my mind

resrchsci, I just wanted to make sure you understand the implications. Maybe I made a bad assumption but the men I've seen that ask about online sources are the ones who are trying to bypass seeing a Dr first. If you go that way, go with your eyes open.

BCG thanks for getting my back here.

kisses, Alex
gimme_that's Avatar
Overworked cha cha is usually a satisfied cha cha. Originally Posted by pyramider
I guess I have been lucky in the hobby and out of the hobby. Cause this is generally the case, not always but its not exactly hard to find ladies who share this sentiment to some degree. But I'm of a younger demographic with a busy work schedule and would rather an all night romp once a week, as opposed to 2 to 3 individual sex sessions with an s.o. in a healthy set up.

I guess viagra is the catch 22 for the older gents as far as providers preferences for ages above 35 and such. She may omit to seeing a younger guy cause he has more stamina and is more engaged sexually in session, but the viagra enthused session cant be any less engaging I bet.