Is Mac now the new Windows?

Its been 2 years since the passing of Steve Jobs.
Has Apple become less committed to quality of product and intuitive functionality? They are selling huge amounts of iPhones and iPads and that helps drag their computers along for the ride. iTunes and the App Store continue to bring in huge revenues.

Now with the attempt to enter into the low end market with the 5c iPhone and lower cost iMacs next year. Is this company reaching market saturation and does Samsung, et all, mean serious competition or is the iStuff integration enough to keep them dominant? What are some thoughts on the future of Apple as a company, Product and Stock Value?
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Who the fuck cares?
Who the fuck cares? Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer
From a $90 share price in Jan 2009 to breaking $700 Sept 2012 to a hard fall to below $400 this summer. Now at $500+ with an average volume of 13.6 million shares trading daily.

That's a lot, and I mean a lot of cash trading hands and outstanding market value that effect pensions and personal investments, it may be a lot of people care.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I think they are just like any other company. They reach a peak.

Good for steve to bring it back but the black shirt and headset can only last so long.
Been a shareholder since 2001. They've always had innovative products; I work on Macs and have been since 1987.

Apple creates; everyone else tries to copy them and make it cheaper. They're cheaper, all right.

If they ever get the TV done the way they want to do it, the invention of the iPhone will seem like a computer upgrade.

Corralling music companies for iTunes agreements is one thing; getting programming for TV with Time Warner, Viacom, etc. together is a whole different complicated animal.
My concerns have been raised as I see significant missteps that have weakened the brand. The change from Google Map to Apple Maps debacle still hasn't been replaced with an app better than the one it replaced. iCloud's sync and editing bugs and inability to manage 3rd party docs drive users away. The shift to new suppliers has contributed to lower battery life, faulty accelerometer level and compass measurements.

The limited improvements if not regression to the iOS7. The search on iOS mail is pitifully limited. The video playback on the iOS7 is not smooth and I have been seeing crashes and lock ups like never before. The spotlight search function on iOS is finding SMS messages that have been "deleted" and display contact and lines of text in the search results.

These are issues that seem to be accumulating instead of dissipating. But I'm not sure if this is wide spread or just my personal experience.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've had the same issues, SirReal. I could android for phone and tablet if I had to, but I will never knowingly use anything related to MicroSoft. I wish Ubuntu was more user friendly.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar

I have found that whenever I want a browser that rivals IE for general inefficiency and daily crashes, Safari excels. It might be even worse than IE. Chrome and Firefox both beat them hands down.
