So What Happens If President Trump’s Bank Records Show No Illegal Activity.

Is this going to be Rachel Maddow Redux?
Or what if it does? Many Dims and AntiTrumpers lied and signed false statements. Their response: "I didn't know." I don't read what I signed or if I do I don't read it closely. "So what if it landed a innocent man in jail?"

Trump can have a similar claim. I doubt most of the checks that have my corporate president's signature on it, he specifically has no inkling on 99% as to why.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
They will not and that's why he has refused to show his tax returns for so many years. His supporters will quickly realize that he is full of shit about his money and being the great business man they falsely believe him to be in no time.

You don't care about showing your taxes if you are legit. An arrogant and narcistic guy like Trump would have showed you his taxes in two seconds if he was legit because he would have loved to show off his wealth.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is this going to be Rachel Maddow Redux? Originally Posted by Jackie S

she'll have a sex change operation and move to Venezuela and change her name to Juan Valdez


Or what if it does? Many Dims and AntiTrumpers lied and signed false statements. Their response: "I didn't know." I don't read what I signed or if I do I don't read it closely. "So what if it landed a innocent man in jail?"

Trump can have a similar claim. I doubt most of the checks that have my corporate president's signature on it, he specifically has no inkling on 99% as to why. Originally Posted by gnadfly

actually by the time that checks get to the CEO to be signed it should have been verified as accurate by accounting. so if it's wrong they blame accounting.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
another thing that the lefties here and in the msm have claimed is that it will prove Trump took laundered russkie mob money, from Deutsche Bank. imo there is ZERO possibility that Deutsche Bank would actually tell a client, Trump or otherwise that the money they are lending him came from any illegal sources. if Deutsche Bank did knowingly take money illegally to loan it out and thus "scrub it" it does not prove Trump knew.
actually by the time that checks get to the CEO to be signed it should have been verified as accurate by accounting. so if it's wrong they blame accounting. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I was over a system that literally sent out hundreds of millions of dollars in checks and EFTs. True, accountants approved the payments. My system signed the checks both physically and via EFT. The president had no clue on the vast majority of checks. Some of the accountants fudged the system and set themselves as vendors to be paid. We had auditors on the take. We had higher ups giving payments to Chinese as bribes even though they weren't viewed at the time as bribes.

There's an arms length deniability to most of these payments. OJ didn't do the drug deals, he had Kato do it for him. Same in business.
goodman0422's Avatar
If we have learned anything this year it is that a lack of evidence does not equate to exoneration.
Orange man bad, always!
LexusLover's Avatar
They will not and that's why he has refused to show his tax returns for so many years. His supporters will quickly realize that he is full of shit about his money and being the great business man they falsely believe him to be in no time.

You don't care about showing your taxes if you are legit. An arrogant and narcistic guy like Trump would have showed you his taxes in two seconds if he was legit because he would have loved to show off his wealth. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
When are you going to publish yours on Eccie?
Grace Preston's Avatar
If we have learned anything this year it is that a lack of evidence does not equate to exoneration.
Orange man bad, always! Originally Posted by goodman0422

And the existence of evidence doesn't mean that anyone will actually care. We've learned that as well.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Adam Schitt will claim he has the evidence he needs to impeach but won’t show it to anyone.

My guess is that the president took large, perfectly legal deductions that he knows the dems will pretend are Illegitimate and stupid people will believe them.
So What Happens If President Trump’s Bank Records Show No Illegal Activity.

if it shows nothing illegal I'm sure they will apologize to President Trump and to his family and go on national tv and say he was exonerated

for those of you who think they will just move on to some thing else, that's so cynical of you
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They will not and that's why he has refused to show his tax returns for so many years. His supporters will quickly realize that he is full of shit about his money and being the great business man they falsely believe him to be in no time.

You don't care about showing your taxes if you are legit. An arrogant and narcistic guy like Trump would have showed you his taxes in two seconds if he was legit because he would have loved to show off his wealth. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

just because he won't release taxes doesn't mean he's not legit, if you mean by knowingly doing something illegal. the IRS hasn't found a thing in going on 50 years of him filing returns. if by legit you mean he's not as wealthy as he claims? so what? he's still rich. if he was actually broke as some in the forum try to claim we'd already know it. he'd be having banks foreclose on him. hasn't happened.

one of the claims Democrats in Congress have made about wanting his returns is nothing short of laughable. it's ludicrous. they claimed at one point they had the right to see them as part of their "oversight of the IRS". ridiculous. even Ruthie BG will slap that down if it gets to the supreme court. there is clear precedent of law on this going back decades. the court has consistently ruled Congress does not have carte blanche to see a citizen's returns. they need a legit reason and "oversight" does not even come close to qualifying. a pure example of witch hunting for political dirt. so what if he's not as rich as he claims?

i didn't vote for him because he's rich. i didn't even vote for him as a vote against Hillary however that would be more than reason enough on it's own. i voted for him for his "America First" stance. and he's fulfilled every bit of that stance making him in my opinion the greatest president in my lifetime not named Ronnie Reagan.

anyone who knows Trump's history knows full well he was never a self made man. his money came from Fred Trump. pretty much everyone should know that. here is a little tidbit a lot of people may not know .. Fred Trump himself wasn't a self made man. the real genesis of the Trump fortune such as it is came from Frederick Trump, Fred's dad and Donald's grandfather. he made a substantial fortune in the Alaska gold rush days. Frederick Trump died in 1918 before Fred was an adult so for a short time to manage the money Frederick made, they had to incorporate in Mary Trump's name. for a while it was Mary Trump & Son. of course once Fred became an adult it was changed.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Adam Schitt will claim he has the evidence he needs to impeach but won’t show it to anyone.

My guess is that the president took large, perfectly legal deductions that he knows the dems will pretend are Illegitimate and stupid people will believe them. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

They aren't really concerned with tax deductions-- they're concerned with bank fraud, campaign finance violations, and whether he paid others off (a la Stormy Daniels). Bank fraud is going to be somewhat hard to prove unless the tax records reflect something different than the loan applications. Which-- is why they're also wanting the tax records. Its not about deductions-- its about falsifying financial information when obtaining a loan.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just more nothing burgers u know like impeachment
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They aren't really concerned with tax deductions-- they're concerned with bank fraud, campaign finance violations, and whether he paid others off (a la Stormy Daniels). Bank fraud is going to be somewhat hard to prove unless the tax records reflect something different than the loan applications. Which-- is why they're also wanting the tax records. Its not about deductions-- its about falsifying financial information when obtaining a loan. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Yeah, that’s the cnn version. What they are really after is anything they can find that makes the president look bad. Any person with the amount of money he has has an entire team of attorneys and accountants preparing their taxes. The chances that there is something actually illegal are essentially nonexistent.This is about optics, nothing more.