Its come to my attention that several providers here BrookeMonroe, Giselle Reed,( never seen either of them) and SweetLayla (we all know that story and if you don't read back a few threads, haven't though twice about her but she can't seem to stop bashing me) have taken it upon themselves to bash me every chance they get. While this is the first time I have address either of their childish antics with the exception of Layla, I am honored they would devote their time to a discussion about me. Its fairly apparent that they have some issues so I'd like to give each of them an open forum to get their personal animosity off their chest. I will even entertainment them with a response and attempt to keep my rudeness to a minimum.
P.S. if you're bored please check some of the providers, I've seen to form your own opinion as I'm sure none the above mentioned providers will have anything worth while to say.