The Perfect Gift for Him

Recently, our forums have been crowded with threads of gifts and tips and materialism. We've well-unpacked the topic of what to give the ladies. Now, how about the perfect gift for "him." Nearly all of us have a "him" in our lives somewhere and for every man, somewhere there is a woman saying, "I never know what to get him. He's so hard to buy for. He has everything he wants."

Here's a secret: no he doesn't. There are many things he wants that he can't get for himself. If you have a gentlemen in your life and would truly like to surprise him this year, try a few of these.

An Evening In - Why not plan a special evening with no interuptions, no electronics, and no deadlines. Those quiet, candlelight dinners are rarities and when all the work is done for him, it's like a special evening on the town at a five-star restaurant, without the crowds.

A Special Trip - Nearly all men have a special place or two they've been wanting to go. Most likely, it's not someplace you want to go, though. Go anyway. And make all the plans. Maybe it's that special charter fishing trip to Alaska or a backwoods, plane-access-only camping trip. Or maybe it's a quick trip to his favorite trail for a day of hiking (you smuggle in the champagne in your pack) or an evening journey to another city to see a concert of his boyhood-fav band (if it's the Stones, then you might want to hurry!). Weekend ski-trips are my favorite.

Tickets to a Game at His Alma Mater - Again, go with him. I know you might not like football as much as he. But you can't imagine how much fun it is to have you sitting there with him.

Write a long letter to his kids...letting them know many of the things you admire about their father. Most men would never admit that they are suffering from a lack of affirmation but they are...their world just isn't set up to deliver this.

These are just a few; some expensive, some not. Hopefully, they'll help. Referencing back to the materialism thread, few men I've ever known have complicated tastes when it comes to gifts they receive. Instead, most yearn for the unexpected and the thoughtful--and the surprise, the things they can't do for themselves. Whether it's a son, or a husband or a father or a SO of any kind, I trust this Christmas you'll be able to give a gift that he'll remember forever.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Are you a man or a woman?
Give us more! Including for "hims" who are not our one-and-only, but our one-of-afew( ), ie, some gifts that aren't quite as these (though these are great ideas).
Are you a man or a woman? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Are you a man or a woman? Originally Posted by atlcomedy

But to Natalie's quest for more, the OP offers a new spin. But it applies to both genders. Take the wife to a chick flick you wouldn't be caught dead seeing (Sex and the City II as an example. I/we sat through that dreck. Even the wife was ready to leave half way through so we could go have a cosmo or two. Yea, "F" you all it's my metrosexual side/femine side. I did like the television show and incredible brownie points for me taking her).

So yes your SOs can do something you like too, but they can make it a pleasure for both (read: cosmos for all).
it's my metrosexual side Originally Posted by SR Only
So what, you have a manicure on one hand?
That's my "girlfriend" hand.
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Give us more! Including for "hims" who are not our one-and-only, but our one-of-afew( ), ie, some gifts that aren't quite as these (though these are great ideas). Originally Posted by Natalie
Eloquent way to put it, Natalie.

I struggle with this especially when my one-in-a-few already has a SO in his life. I want to give him something special that won't raise any questions in his home life. I'm tired of giving books!

Any suggestions?
$3,000 watch?
discreetgent's Avatar
A discount?

Have some and

I think I'm gonna duck.
Rudyard K's Avatar
$3,000 watch? Originally Posted by SR Only
To hell with the watch...$3,000.
sure, it's all just money to you! What happened to romance?! Ladies, please give RK a watch so he can find true love.
Give me the watch and I'll sell it. Gifts for everybody!!!

Guess I'll need a list.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Originally Posted by FLWrite
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for that FLwrite , i busted out laughing on that one!!!
I understand that a nice sloppy BJ is always appreciated.