Caption the photo!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Oh hell I thought it was a banana...
tia travels's Avatar
"It's Rainin''s rainin' men.....amen!"

"Why is no one stopping?? Is there some sign down the block that says 'Ignore A Wildebeest Day???'"
You can never find a ride to McDonalds when you really need it .... dang rain.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-13-2012, 12:09 PM
Hmmm....hitchhiking was SO much easier when I was younger!
Couple of Boiler makers over here!! (dumb and dumber)
Even superheroines like Wonder Woman age!
Oh gosh....I hope it rains enough to wash me back into the sea.
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. If I was a cab driver I would stop to get her out of the rain. Pity if she caught pneumonia.

I would also want to get her story of what the hell happened for a chuckle. LOL!
RandB fan's Avatar
Taxi Take me to the nearest Wal-mart
I'll think about captioning it after I finish throwing up...

Okay, I'm down to just dry heaves, so here goes:

"Please stop, Mr. Cabby!!! I'm late for my next Sumo match !!!"
Hope there are some Krispy Creams left.
Roothead's Avatar
Washing the elephants whilst in the city
Excuse me Does this outfit make my butt look big