Where is everyone going

I really love this site and hope one day it returns back to what it was. Where is everyone going now?

We are all still here...in the closet��
Cadence Steele's Avatar
I really love this site and hope one day it returns back to what it was. Where is everyone going now?

MissJaye Originally Posted by MissJaye

Other sites
kctx1790's Avatar
OH2 I guess plus other sites. This site has just been kind of flaky since it first went away then came back.
The hobby has always changed due to new laws. We have some smart mods who will figure it out. ECCIE has gone down twice and it always seems to come back.

Give it time!
sinful_pleasure's Avatar
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Looks like quite a few are going to (or back to) OurHome2, Switter, Tryst, PrivateDelights, Discord and Twitter.
Prob to hell, but for now the same places I’ve always been. Haha. I’m kidding. Well at least about the hell part. :-)
sharkman29's Avatar
Why does OurHome2 not have the same restrictions and/or worries? Isn't it based in the US?
boardman's Avatar
The servers aren't.
They also have no revenue stream so it makes it less lucrative to pursue.

Those two combined make it difficult to do anything about it without spending a lot of resources for little reward.
Thank you all for the input
azteclust's Avatar
Well for me, I use other sites now listcrawlers also 'other' places has resurfaced the hobby scene.
Tall Bill's Avatar
Boardman: Good point about OH2 not having a revenue stream. I don't think that makes any difference, but I'm not a lawyer. The sites that are located out of the US with private domain registrations could be difficult to find for state LE to serve warrants or to investigate.
boardman's Avatar
Boardman: Good point about OH2 not having a revenue stream. I don't think that makes any difference, but I'm not a lawyer. The sites that are located out of the US with private domain registrations could be difficult to find for state LE to serve warrants or to investigate. Originally Posted by Tall Bill
It makes a difference when the cost vs benefit is analyzed and I'm sure it is.

It's easy to find where the server is located but then what is the relationship between the US and that other country? If it's not rock solid then they make the US jump through a bunch of hoops. They may tell the US to pound sand because they have no problem with the site. Maybe that country has legalized prostitution and they think the US should too. So, cooperation could depend on what they want from the US then it gets political.

If there are no assets for the US to seize, no bank accounts to tie transactions back to it's just another bullshit website. I mean all these stories are all just made up right?