"To be a Republican means to believe the Big Lie..."

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This isn't going away. Unfortunately, neither are the gullible masses who would prefer to flail hysterically about in denial and delusion rather than to work to fix the world that their lunacy created.

The author, a Republican, calls this form of madness "...more of an attitude, or a tribal pose."

I agree.

Other than "because it was," I'd love to hear some explanations from our resident Trumpists.


Trump Supporters Explain Why They Believe the Big Lie

For many of Trump’s voters, the belief that the election was stolen is not a fully formed thought. It’s more of an attitude, or a tribal pose.

About the author: Sarah Longwell is the executive director of Republicans for the Rule of Law, publisher of The Bulwark, and host of the Focus Group podcast.

Some 35 percent of Americans—including 68 percent of Republicans—believe the Big Lie, pushed relentlessly by former President Donald Trump and amplified by conservative media, that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. They think that Trump was the true victor and that he should still be in the White House today.

I regularly host focus groups to better understand how voters are thinking about key political topics. Recently, I decided to find out why Trump 2020 voters hold so strongly to the Big Lie.

For many of Trump’s voters, the belief that the election was stolen is not a fully formed thought. It’s more of an attitude, or a tribal pose. They know something nefarious occurred but can’t easily explain how or why. What’s more, they’re mystified and sometimes angry that other people don’t feel the same.

As a woman from Wisconsin told me, “I can’t really put my finger on it, but something just doesn’t feel right.” A man from Pennsylvania said, “Something about it just didn’t seem right.” A man from Arizona said, “It didn’t smell right.”

The exact details of the story vary—was it Hugo Chávez who stole the election? Or the CIA? Or Italian defense contractors? Outlandish claims like these seem to have made this conspiracy theory more durable, not less. Regardless of plausibility, the more questions that are raised, the more mistrustful Trump voters are of the official results.

Perhaps that’s because the Big Lie has been part of their background noise for years.

Remember that Trump began spreading the notion that America’s elections were “rigged” in 2016—when he thought he would lose. Many Republicans firmly believed that the Democrats would steal an election if given the chance. When the 2020 election came and Trump did lose, his voters were ready to doubt the outcome.

Some Trump voters looked at the numbers and couldn’t make sense of them. How could so many more people have voted in 2020 than in 2016? A man from North Carolina, when asked why he thought the election was stolen, said, “There was 10 million more votes for Trump in this last election than he got in 2016. You’re telling me that [Joe] Biden got that many?”

To the extent that Big Lie believers try to explain their skepticism over millions more people voting for Biden than for Trump, they often point to relative crowd sizes at rallies. As the man from North Carolina put it, “I personally went to Trump rallies that were filling stadiums, and then Biden can’t even fill a freaking library. Like, no, it’s not true. I don’t believe it. Don’t buy it.”

Another common refrain is that the votes “flipped” in the middle of Election Night. Trump supporters went to bed thinking that their guy had won and then woke up to a different reality—which to them was startling and deeply suspicious. A woman from Georgia told me, “When I went to bed, Trump was so in the lead and then [I got] up and he’s not in the lead. I mean, that’s crazy.”

Long before Election Day, the media had warned about a “red mirage” and alerted Americans to the possibility that Trump would have a large lead on Election Night only to have it dissipate as mail-in ballots were counted. But if you were watching Fox News, you probably didn’t hear any of this. Instead, Trump, MAGA-friendly politicians, and conservative media outlets were priming voters to see a conspiracy.

Trump correctly assumed that the majority of the mail-in ballots that would be counted late at night would go to Biden. So he cast mail-in ballots as fraudulent almost by definition. The woman from Georgia told me that mail-in ballots were “a crock,” without elaborating further.

Attempts to set the record straight tend to backfire. When you tell Trump voters that the election wasn’t stolen, some of them tally that as evidence that it was stolen. A woman from Arizona told me, “I think what convinced me more that the election was fixed was how vehemently they have said it wasn’t.”

These voters aren’t bad or unintelligent people. The problem is that the Big Lie is embedded in their daily life. They hear from Trump-aligned politicians, their like-minded peers, and MAGA-friendly media outlets—and from these sources they hear the same false claims repeated ad infinitum.

Now we are at the point where to be a Republican means to believe the Big Lie. And as long as Republicans leading the party keep promoting and indulging the Big Lie, that will continue to be the case. If I’ve learned anything from my focus groups, it’s that something doesn’t have to make sense for voters to believe it’s true.
eccieuser9500's Avatar


Many years ago there was an Emperor so exceedingly fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on being well dressed. He cared nothing about reviewing his soldiers, going to the theatre, or going for a ride in his carriage, except to show off his new clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day, and instead of saying, as one might, about any other ruler, "The King's in council," here they always said. "The Emperor's in his dressing room."

. . .

The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all.
It's not a lie, it's a fact. Biden is just too stupid to win an election by his own merit. Fifty years in Politics Plagiarizing, lying and pretending to be something he is not. The Democrats are the ones believing a lie. Most Conservatives don't need anymore convincing the Election was a sham. Not everybody hates Trump as much as Democrats think. Many Democrats voted for Trump. They knew what a joke Biden was and what a major fuck up he is. The only way Biden can get reelected is for the Democrats to cheat again. This subject no longer needs to be discussed.
matchingmole's Avatar
It's not a lie, it's a fact. Biden is just too stupid to win an election by his own merit. Fifty years in Politics Plagiarizing, lying and pretending to be something he is not. The Democrats are the ones believing a lie. Most Conservatives don't need anymore convincing the Election was a sham. Not everybody hates Trump as much as Democrats think. Many Democrats voted for Trump. They knew what a joke Biden was and what a major fuck up he is. The only way Biden can get reelected is for the Democrats to cheat again. This subject no longer needs to be discussed. Originally Posted by Levianon17

To say it is not a lie... is a lie. Trump cheated as much as he could....and still lost...bigly
To say it is not a lie... is a lie. Trump cheated as much as he could....and still lost...bigly Originally Posted by matchingmole
Good luck with that idea. If that's what gets you through the night, lol.
matchingmole's Avatar
Good luck with that idea. If that's what gets you through the night, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Not an idea.....Trump lost.....Trumptards are in denial....they have been brainwashed by the crapstream media
VitaMan's Avatar
It's not a lie, it's a fact. This subject no longer needs to be discussed. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Almost 1 1/2 years have passed since the 2020 presidential election. Absolutely no proof there was MASSIVE election fraud. Yet the above poster calls it a fact.

Over 60 court cases brought by Trump lawyers all over the USA. EVERY SINGLE ONE had no merit and was tossed out.

What does it take to deprogram the Trumpites to realize Trump lost the election ?
... I think the writer of the Atlantic article used the
phrase "The Big Lie" some 8 or 10 times there.

But WHO came up with the phrase "The Big Lie"??

Was it the news media - the SAME news media that told us
Trump surely "colluded with the Russians"??

OR was it the Democrat party - the same Dems who told us
that the Hiden Biden laptop was FAKE and "Russian Disinformation"??

That's all you need to remember.

### Salty
Not an idea.....Trump lost.....Trumptards are in denial....they have been brainwashed by the crapstream media Originally Posted by matchingmole
There's nothing to deny that Trump lost. It's the how and why that leave questions. Corruption runs rampant in American Politics, Democrats are just giving it a new meaning. For Democrats Deception is a side job, lol.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... I think the writer of the Atlantic article used the
phrase "The Big Lie" some 8 or 10 times there.

But WHO came up with the phrase "The Big Lie"??

Was it the news media - the SAME news media that told us
Trump surely "colluded with the Russians"??

OR was it the Democrat party - the same Dems who told us
that the Hiden Biden laptop was FAKE and "Russian Disinformation"??

That's all you need to remember.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You are thick as a brick, son.

This is who “came up” with the phrase:


VitaMan's Avatar
... I think the writer of the Atlantic article used the
phrase "The Big Lie" some 8 or 10 times there.

But WHO came up with the phrase "The Big Lie"??

Was it the news media - the SAME news media that told us
Trump surely "colluded with the Russians"??

OR was it the Democrat party - the same Dems who told us
that the Hiden Biden laptop was FAKE and "Russian Disinformation"??

That's all you need to remember.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

All you need to remember is "Crime of the Century." Who came up with that ? Your man Trump. Of course it wasn't original.

Not to mention yelling "MASSIVE election fraud." thousands of times when there was none. That is called crying wolf. Now many of the media will cut off his phone or tv interview when he starts that up again.

The PT Barnum of bs.
... And yet the odds-on favourite to WIN in 2024.

... With Trump it's America FIRST!

... With Biden it's America LAST!

... And everybody knows it! ..

### Salty
Horse shit. With Trump it is Trump first, fuck everyone else.
matchingmole's Avatar
There's nothing to deny that Trump lost. It's the how and why that leave questions. Corruption runs rampant in American Politics, Democrats are just giving it a new meaning. For Democrats Deception is a side job, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The how----he had fewer votes
The why......fewer people liked him....thus fewer people voted for him...as he wasted four years... also not keeping his promises didn't help
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
All you need to remember is "Crime of the Century." Who came up with that ? Your man Trump. Of course it wasn't original.

Not to mention yelling "MASSIVE election fraud." thousands of times when there was none. That is called crying wolf. Now many of the media will cut off his phone or tv interview when he starts that up again.

The PT Barnum of bs. Originally Posted by VitaMan
The how----he had fewer votes
The why......fewer people liked him....thus fewer people voted for him...as he wasted four years... also not keeping his promises didn't help Originally Posted by matchingmole

it's simple. even a dull bulb like you can understand. it was stolen. the media stole it. and the democrats.

Poll: One In Six Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They Had Known About Scandals Suppressed By Media


Media’s suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop was election interference

Had Biden voters known of scandal, election would've tipped to Trump


https://books.google.com/books?id=9G0sEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT154 &lpg=PT154&dq=many+democrat s+w ouldn%27t+have+voted+for+biden +if+they+knew+about+scandals&s ource=bl&ots=beYX9QqWwZ&sig=AC fU3U1YpBK2l94MJRMA2CoQbaEy0KGC Yg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiF0t y t-p73AhWRnWoFHd-KBz4Q6AF6BAgxEAM#v=onepage&q=m any%20democrats%20wouldn't%20h ave%20voted%20for%20biden%20if %20they%20knew%20about%20scand als&f=false

any DA NILES on the laptop now?

Washington Post, New York Times finally admit Hunter’s laptop is real — but only to protect Joe Biden some more


Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Finally News Fit to Print


or you can believe the american public if they knew the truth really would have voted for this idiot