Best Kept Chi-town Secret Fun Spots Winter 2015-2016, Chicago, Illinois

Hey Y'all or You Guys lol however You prefer Can any Eccie members help me with some Illinois 411? I don't know much about the area and this winter will be my first time in Chicago.

I'm a simple girl, I like to Dance, Barhop, Strip Clubs, Concerts and Festivals, Parties and Socials for the Holidays, Antiques Shops, Bookstores, Comics, Movies, Shopping, Vintage. Even a Sex Shop or two

But I don't like going where everyone else goes. Or doing what everyone else does. I don't want to stand in long lines, following the crowds like sheep. I want to know if I can find some strange or weird places to add to my check list. Most importantly though, I want to stay safe. Any of you Ladies and Gentleman have any ideas or suggestions come to mind?

Or **send a PM** if there are some really Naughty Places that you don't want to mention here - The more Taboo, the better

xoxox Thanks!
  • GBN94
  • 12-15-2015, 06:18 PM
But I don't like going where everyone else goes. Or doing what everyone else does. I don't want to stand in long lines, following the crowds like sheep. I want to know if I can find some strange or weird places to add to my check list. Most importantly though, I want to stay safe. Originally Posted by Gorgeous_Boriqua
Stay out of River North, Lincoln Park, and Wrigleyville. All of them are popular but solidly mainstream.

- Dance to what kind of music?
- what kind of bars?
- don't go to strip clubs in Cook County. at all
- Lots of festivals in Chicago.... in the summer

I'd point you in the direction of Wicker park, Logan Square, Boys Town and Pilsen.
Concerts: Thalia Hall, Empty Bottle and Double Door. In that order.

None of those places are neighborhoods for hobby related things but a short Uber ride away from hotels.

Thanks for the info. (And yes, you were right that my question is not hobby related. Purely Personal and informative for myself, and any other Eccie members heading to Chicago this winter)

I dance to all kinds of music, mostly Rock, but I'll move my body to just about anything, Hip Hop, R&B, EDM, Reggae, Jazz, Swing, Classic Rock,, Oldies, Motown, Salsa, Mariachi lol I mean if I don't know the steps I usually just end up dancing like a amateur

Bars.. I like hole in the wall, and I like spectacular. It might depend of who I am accompanied by, and if I had a few suggestions to offer (because my cool Eccie connects let me know the best chill spots in town) that would be neat, ya. (I don't like "biker" or gangster spots/thug stuff. Nothing against it, just doesn't interest me. Not even a little.)

I am a person who is probably never bored, it could be the simplest thing, like you could suggest driving through a certain neighborhood to see Christmas Lights and I'd be fascinated, or you could tell me where there is a playhouse, poetry reading, sex shop, orgy, bookstore, ice cream parlor, or theme park, and I'd probably dig it. I like going where I've never been, seeing new things, learning more and more.

Give me the cute and sweet, or the strange and weird, off the beaten path, or just some 411 random... give me plenty of cool options.
