2 of me... without me knowing.. roomates thats doing the same.

my bestfriend since pre-k has done something to me that i thought she could never do. we got into a fight last night and i told her to move out. she's a night walker, hey the truth hurts. she went and on here and open up a new account with out me knowing about it. I have been with eccie for 5 or 6 months now. I have been away with my sugar daddy, and i'm still taking my break but i don't want to come back and have problems here. everyone has been so nice to me when i first started eccie. and i never had any problems with any of the ladys. I guess you cant trust anyone now a days. I' donnt know what happen but please clue me in, and i'm sorry for the drama. If eccie wants me off the web. I will...

And I guess that means me and my roomates friendship is out the door. The mess up thing about this is that she had no money nothing on her back and i been helping her to get back on her feet. She has taken my money with out me knowing... Please understand that this girl has probably mess up my relationship with you guys. And I'm so sorry. It's hard to type and tears are coming down your face...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Please be clear about the account side of this. You are saying someone other than you has access to your account? Or this other person opened a new account here? If its the latter...so what? You really need to PM me with some details of whats going on here.

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