Computer please???

LilRed's Avatar
I do not know what I did, but my computer will go to any and every site except Google. What have I done? I can't get my gmail or anything to load. Anyone out there computer savy?
LilRed's Avatar
Thanks for all my PM's everyone. Unfortunately, none of the advice has worked so far....... Grrrr...computers!!!
To not allow you to one particular site wouldnt be the computer but more along the lines of a Trojan.
LilRed's Avatar
To not allow you to one particular site wouldnt be the computer but more along the lines of a Trojan. Originally Posted by Andramelech
You mean I have a condom stuck up in there!!! lol...just joking.

I have a few people helping me try and get it straightened out. If that doesn't work I will go to Best Buy when I get home tomorrow. Technology!!!
I will go to Best Buy when I get home tomorrow. Originally Posted by LilRed

Please tell me you aren't going to buy a new computer from Best Buy? I don't want this to turn into a Apple v. PC thread. But if you have to get another one, you should look at an Apple.
LilRed's Avatar
That's where I bought my Dell. Is that what the problem is? Dammit!!!
That's where I bought my Dell. Is that what the problem is? Dammit!!! Originally Posted by LilRed

Well PC's are so bad about getting viruses. Not to mention, you generally buy it with Microsoft system that is always questionable.

I am just saying, Apple's have almost no problems. 3 years ago I switched both office and home computers from PC to Apples after i got the blue screen of death for the 3rd time in a day. I can't tell you how much money my company has saved in tech support because of viruses.

Oh, and I brought up Best Buy because they I don't think they sell Apple computers. Nothing wrong with the store, all my TV's are from there.
LilRed's Avatar
Thanks Stick. I think I have a virus and just need to get it fixed! My expertise is NOT in computers obviously. And when I got my college degree, we had computers that aren't even around today!!!
The Flash's Avatar
Generally when mine get some crap like that......I have to boot up in safe mode and run Malwarebytes.

These things can really be aggravating, they will stop your computer antivirus from updating and all kinds of mischevious things..

I feel your pain Red, I have had to go as far as reformating the hardrive and starting from scratch.
DallasRain's Avatar
take it to Best Buy--if they cant fix it,then get ya a new one
skeeter's Avatar
Actually I like flashes idea .........let me scratch her on the floor mat with my hard driver.......or at least I think that's what he said

Sorry I couldn't resist.
LilRed's Avatar
I give up. I tried just about everything everyone told me to try. My talents just do not lie in understanding a computer. They are more needed elsewhere. I will admit my defeat and move on.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
lil red,

your best bet is not to take your pc to Best Buy, but to your local computer shop. they might cost more, but they generally know more stuff about computers than best buy techs, especially with this problem you're having.

there's a few around in baton rouge who would certainly welcome your business.
LilRed's Avatar
Thanks everyone....

But WTH... I left the darn thing off all night, went on two outcalls, just turned it back on this morning and it works??? Could it have been something here at the hotel in Lafayette where I am staying? We tried EVERYTHING yesterday???

I also got LOTS of phonecalls and emails telling me not to go to Best Buy. I always thought they were good, but I'm getting the idea from all of you now that it's not so good.
Stick - Best Buy is the best place to buy Apple. Most stores have an Apple rep full time (paid by Apple that only deals with Applr) also their extended warranty is better than Apples.

Their antivirus warranty is a good deal and their Geek Squad takes care of you.

No - I don't work for them but I've bought an Apple laptop, an IPad and 2 PCs from them.