Ted Cruz' dad entered US illegally


The hypocrisy boggles the mind. It seems that Senator Scumbag's story isn't quite the American ideal he's been making it out to be. Among other gems in this story, the result of an interview with Cruz's father:

1. His father bribed officials in Cuba so he could leave that country. Uhhh....that would be illegal, wouldn't it? As in not following the law in order to legally immigrate?

2. Cruz has made it sound like his dad came to the US and took a job to start working toward the American dream. Well, he did get a job when he got out of Cuba....but the job was in Canada. Which was where Cruz's father, while pursuing his American dream....worked for eight years and became a Canadian citizen.

3. Not only that, but Cruz's dad was so enamored with the ideal of pursuing the American dream, that he waited almost 50 years before finally becoming an American citizen in 2005. Well...better late than never, I suppose.

Don't get me wrong. Good for his dad. But, Cruz has been playing this up and made it out to be something that it clearly was not. What a dirt bag.

Very very amusing.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 03:53 PM
spin is better than facts any day, ask any winger
The hypocrisy boggles the mind. It seems that Senator Scumbag's story isn't quite the American ideal he's been making it out to be. Among other gems in this story, the result of an interview with Cruz's father:

1. His father bribed officials in Cuba so he could leave that country. Uhhh....that would be illegal, wouldn't it? As in not following the law in order to legally immigrate?

2. Cruz has made it sound like his dad came to the US and took a job to start working toward the American dream. Well, he did get a job when he got out of Cuba....but the job was in Canada. Which was where Cruz's father, while pursuing his American dream....worked for eight years and became a Canadian citizen.

3. Not only that, but Cruz's dad was so enamored with the ideal of pursuing the American dream, that he waited almost 50 years before finally becoming an American citizen in 2005. Well...better late than never, I suppose.

Don't get me wrong. Good for his dad. But, Cruz has been playing this up and made it out to be something that it clearly was not. What a dirt bag.

Very very amusing. Originally Posted by timpage
Really, Tim? That's kind of lame.

His father bribed a Batista official to get an EXIT visa:

"Then the only other thing that I needed was an exit permit from the Batista government," Cruz recalls. "A friend of the family, a lawyer friend of my father, basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit."

That may be a violation of Cuban law. But what US law was violated? And really, if someone is trying to get out of a dictatorship, do we really blame them? Would you be this upset if someone bribed their way out of China, Burma, or N. Korea?

And who cares about the detour through Canada? I'm not following that. His US student visa expired and he took a job in Canada while he was waiting for political asylum to be granted in the US.

And the time delay? Big deal. I imagine that once he got safely into the US as a legal resident, it was no longer such a pressing issue to go all the way to citizenship. In any event, it's not like Cruz could force his Dad to switch citizenship.

I don't see how ANY of what was written in the NPR hit piece makes Cruz wrong about reducing border crossing illegals.

It's much ado about nothing. It certainly doesn't merit calling Cruz a scumbag.

Ad hominem argument much?
spin is better than facts any day, ask any winger Originally Posted by CJ7
That whole article was spin.

It could have been written by David Axelrod.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 04:46 PM
had cruz told the truth much like you described, Im pretty sure there would be no objection from anyone about his family leaving a dictator back in Cuba .. as it stands, apparently he lied looking for sympathetic ears .... fuck cruz
Really, Tim? That's kind of lame.

His father bribed a Batista official to get an EXIT visa:

"Then the only other thing that I needed was an exit permit from the Batista government," Cruz recalls. "A friend of the family, a lawyer friend of my father, basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit."

That may be a violation of Cuban law. But what US law was violated? And really, if someone is trying to get out of a dictatorship, do we really blame them? Would you be this upset if someone bribed their way out of China, Burma, or N. Korea?

And who cares about the detour through Canada? I'm not following that. His US student visa expired and he took a job in Canada while he was waiting for political asylum to be granted in the US.

And the time delay? Big deal. I imagine that once he got safely into the US as a legal resident, it was no longer such a pressing issue to go all the way to citizenship. In any event, it's not like Cruz could force his Dad to switch citizenship.

I don't see how ANY of what was written in the NPR hit piece makes Cruz wrong about reducing border crossing illegals.

It's much ado about nothing. It certainly doesn't merit calling Cruz a scumbag.

Ad hominem argument much? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Bullshit ad hominem. Read the article, the criticisms are valid and are based entirely on statements made on the record by his dad and Cruz himself. You might not like it but it's there for everybody to see. Stick the slogans like "ad hominem argument much?" you think are cute. That shit won't wash with me.

And what's lame is you trying to piece together enough excuses to make it look like Cruz hasn't taken some liberties with the truth of his parents' immigration story. A "detour" through Canada? A detour takes 15 minutes, not eight years.

A "time delay" on becoming an American citizen? 48 years after he leaves Cuba to pursue his "American Dream" is a time delay? Speaking of lame. Holy shit.

And, this isn't the first time Cruz has been caught embellishing or failing to clarify his parent's "American Dream" story. http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.c...s-son-of.html/ It's really not about what his father did or didn't do...it's about how Cruz has tried to make it appear to be something it apparently wasn't....for political gain.
Bullshit ad hominem. Read the article, the criticisms are valid and are based entirely on statements made on the record by his dad and Cruz himself. You might not like it but it's there for everybody to see. Stick the slogans like "ad hominem argument much?" you think are cute. That shit won't wash with me.

And what's lame is you trying to piece together enough excuses to make it look like Cruz hasn't taken some liberties with the truth of his parents' immigration story. A "detour" through Canada? A detour takes 15 minutes, not eight years.

A "time delay" on becoming an American citizen? 48 years after he leaves Cuba to pursue his "American Dream" is a time delay? Speaking of lame. Holy shit.

And, this isn't the first time Cruz has been caught embellishing or failing to clarify his parent's "American Dream" story. http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.c...s-son-of.html/ It's really not about what his father did or didn't do...it's about how Cruz has tried to make it appear to be something it apparently wasn't....for political gain. Originally Posted by timpage
I will stick the "ad hominem" argument, whether it washes with you or not.

His father got a green card in the US, married a US citizen, and went to Canada for a JOB. Lots of people do that Perhaps he did not know if he would ever come back to the US, so he got Canadian citizenship. And "detour' was sarcasm. Who knows how long a job can take? 8 years or 8 months. People do what they have to do to earn a living.

And the "time delay" of 48 years is a criticism of his father, not Cruz. Like I said, he can't force his dad to do anything.

You did not point out a single thing that is wrong with Cruz' position on immigration reform. All you did was attack Cruz personally for "embellishing" (name a politician who doesn't) and "failure to clarify" his family history.

In other words, you made "ad hominem" attacks.

If JD Barleycorn made a post like this about Obama, you would be three feet up his ass about it and rightly so.
I respect your opinions, you know that. But, you're wrong on this one. Cruz is a dangerous opportunist. Shouldn't be allowed to capitalize on fantasy lies about his families ties to the US, especially in light of his opposition to reasonable immigration reform.

NY'er, he's a nut. I'm very surprised you're offering supportive arguments for him.

Look into my avatars "eyes".......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ted Cruz is the duly elected Senator from the State of Texas. He won the election. If you don't like the results, Timmy, would you support the repeal of the 17th Amendment, as I have advocated in the past? Put aside the part where you hate me, and just consider the issue, if you will.

I personally think that the repeal of the 17th Amendment would reduce, not eliminate, the number of whack jobs elected by both parties, and would create greater opportunities for third or minor party candidates. What say you?
Really, Tim? That's kind of lame.

His father bribed a Batista official to get an EXIT visa:

"Then the only other thing that I needed was an exit permit from the Batista government," Cruz recalls. "A friend of the family, a lawyer friend of my father, basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit."

That may be a violation of Cuban law. But what US law was violated? And really, if someone is trying to get out of a dictatorship, do we really blame them? Would you be this upset if someone bribed their way out of China, Burma, or N. Korea?

And who cares about the detour through Canada? I'm not following that. His US student visa expired and he took a job in Canada while he was waiting for political asylum to be granted in the US.

And the time delay? Big deal. I imagine that once he got safely into the US as a legal resident, it was no longer such a pressing issue to go all the way to citizenship. In any event, it's not like Cruz could force his Dad to switch citizenship.

I don't see how ANY of what was written in the NPR hit piece makes Cruz wrong about reducing border crossing illegals.

It's much ado about nothing. It certainly doesn't merit calling Cruz a scumbag.

Ad hominem argument much? Originally Posted by ExNYer
The way things are going, hell we maybe bribing ourselves out of this motherfucker one day, lol.
spin is better than facts any day, ask any winger Originally Posted by CJ7
Left or right.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ted Cruz is the duly elected Senator from the State of Texas. He won the election. If you don't like the results, Timmy, would you support the repeal of the 17th Amendment, as I have advocated in the past? Put aside the part where you hate me, and just consider the issue, if you will.

I personally think that the repeal of the 17th Amendment would reduce, not eliminate, the number of whack jobs elected by both parties, and would create greater opportunities for third or minor party candidates. What say you? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You don't like 17, but love Number two. it's the fucking constitution goddammit! Given to us from on high. How dare you talk about changing it!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What does this have to do with Ted Cruz?

We don't hold you responsible for what your father did, do we?
Really weak ass shit.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 11:53 PM
What does this have to do with Ted Cruz?

We don't hold you responsible for what your father did, do we?

Really weak ass shit. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

nope, but you hold liars responsible don't you?

oh wait ..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
See how weak it was, your response doesn't even make sense.